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👋 Hello, Patrons! It's time for a brief plans and updates post to keep you apprised of what's in the pipeline for the coming week and what's going on behind the scenes!

First on the agenda, a little announcement! You might have recently noticed a slight jump in audio quality. Part of that is that I continued upgrading my studio space with acoustic foam last month, but the other part is that...

Ah, well, y’know how it was just Thanksgiving and everything? Suddenly it was Black Friday! And after moving some decimal points around and wringing the spare change out of my pockets, it turned out I had a smidge more money in my youtube budget than I thought I would just as something from my own wishlist went on very deep discount. 

Long story short: I lost control and upgraded to a new microphone. Whoops! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It’s a Blue Yeti X. Oooh stereo sound. Multiple recording patterns. Etc. and so on. Very impressive! And while I got it for pretty cheap, I'm still incredibly intimidated by it. After all, my last microphones were my phone and a hand-me-down Blue Snowball; buying a dedicated mic with my earnings represents a much bigger commitment--to me, anyway.

You might remember that I said I had a good reason for putting off recording for Creature Comforts until the last minute... and that's it! I was waiting for the new mic to arrive and trying to figure out its optimal settings. Something I'm still fiddling with, actually. It'll take awhile to make sure everything sounds its best, but I hope the learning curve won't be too steep on my end.

You might also remember that a better microphone is one of my Patreon goals: when I reach 100 patrons, the plan is to buy a higher quality microphone in the $100-$300 range. That's still the case! 

But: you've all been so supportive in this creative endeavor that when the opportunity to upgrade to something a bit better than my Snowball came along, it felt appropriate to seize it. I don't know how long it will take to reach 100 patrons (if we ever do!) so I thought it'd be nice to offer some better sound quality in the meantime as a kind of reward for your continued patronage, if that makes any sense. ^^ 

So...Merry Christmas, I guess! Please enjoy (hopefully!) nicer sound quality.

Second up: audios that are coming to youtube/early access this week!

Shy, Flustered Sheep Girl Has a Crush on You

December 5 - Already out! [Youtube] [Early Access]

Sweet Fairy Helps Shy Bridge Troll Confess

Hits Youtube December 7 - [Early Access]

Jealous Demon Servant Loves You

Hits Youtube December 9 - [In edits, early access soon!]

And now, for the final part of this update post, it's time to get a look at where we're at in recording/editing for Creature Comforts

Behold my much tidier to-do list! Ooh, aah. 

The first three audios of the event are already in early access for Patrons. The next batch, Jealous Demon Servant Loves You, Adopted by a Dragon Mommy and Spider Mafia Boss Thinks You're Cute are recorded and currently undergoing edits. Those will be out for Patrons this week if all goes to plan--and sooner rather than later, I hope!

That leaves just seven more audios to record this month. I've officially blocked out some time for a couple more recording sessions this weekend, but I might be able to sneak one in during the week as well depending on my real life schedule. Either way, the plan is to knock out at least two (maybe even four?) raw recordings before next Monday, then get them all gussied up to release next week. 

If I play my cards right, schedule everything just so and the stars align, all the event audios will be out for Patrons a few days before Christmas. I'd love to push ahead and get things done even sooner, but that's probably a more reasonable time frame. (Darn this "learning to take it easy" thing!) 

That'll give me a couple weeks to enjoy the holidays, quietly plan what I'm going to do for the new year and start thinking about Februdere 2! I'd also love to get some Tips & Tricks posts out this month, finally, since I've had some half-finished drafts sitting around basically um, forever--but obviously, delivering audios for the event is the priority at the moment!

Welp! For now, I guess this concludes your weekly plans and updates post! I'll be back soon with more early access goodies in the next day or two. 💖 See you then!





Congratulations on the new microphone, Vel! In my book, you're already making incredible audios, so I can only imagine how much better they'll become. Plus, I wholeheartedly believe you'll make it to 100 patrons and WAY beyond. Believe in yourself, because we certainly do!