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Hello, Patrons! Welcome to November's chit-chat and recommendation post, the perfect space to update each other on what we’ve been doing and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

In my case, this is going to be a bit of a "What I Did With My Break!" kind of post, as I was taking a nice long rest in November--but I promise I didn't bring vacation slides. Well okay, just the one...

(Pictured: me, every free moment I had in November, except replace the pillow with books and the couch also with books.)

If I'm being a hundred percent honest, this month was a bit less relaxing for me than I hoped it would be, but that's how it goes, huh? Real life responsibilities and holiday plans kept me busy, plus a few other less pleasant things I won't bore you with, but for the most part? I got a lot more rest than I've had since starting my channel. It was (mostly!) glorious.

I'm feeling pretty refreshed, all things considered. I had time for hobbies I've neglected for the past (mumble mumble) and had the wherewithal to actually finish reading some books omg.

So, here's a look at all the stuff I did during my time off! 

As I'm apparently all about food in the fall/winter, let's start with that! Over Thanksgiving I tried a vintage recipe (if you want to call it that) which I've been curious about for years: Hot Dr Pepper. 

The verdict? Deeply confusing! Weirdly tasty? Also sort of not good? Definitely an experience. Would I recommend it? I...don't know. Try it at your peril! But that lack of resounding endorsement also won't stop me from someday answering the call of another ill-advised siren song: mulled Dr Pepper. I will inflict that on unsuspecting guests, oh yes.

Books: This is going to be a hefty list! Let me try to be brief. 

So! Last month I mentioned I started Dreamsnake and by god, this month I finished it! The worldbuilding was better than the book itself ultimately, which was a bit of a downer, but it did some interesting things that still made it a worthwhile read for me.

That put me in a post-apocalyptic kind of mood, so I finally started one of the defining works of the genre, A Canticle for Liebowitz. If you're unfamiliar with the book, it's three short stories that take place across multiple centuries after the end of the world, smashed together into one overarching, somewhat satirical, narrative. It's incredibly influential! And quite good!

But, reading the first story of Canticle made me want to return to the cozy world of Redwall...so after an absence of many years I finally started Mossflower. But then Watership Down went on sale and I've been meaning to read it, and The Princess Bride went on sale and I'd been meaning to read that, and the first book of the Dragonlance chronicles went on sale and I figured what the hell I have no self control anyway, and before I knew it I woke up from a book hangover covered in Star Trek tie-ins and halfway through the first volume of Vampire Hunter D.

Anyway long story short I'm now in the middle of eight books. You know how it is! (Actually, I hope you don't. Nobody deserves ADHD as bad as mine. ^^;)

Short Stories: The book glut didn't end with novels; I also gorged on short story collections!

The most notable was Perchance to Dream: Selected Stories, an anthology by classic speculative fiction writer Charles Beaumont, which contained a new favorite called The Jungle. The pursuit of shiny, expansive modernity at the cost of the locals and their culture doesn't go well for the architect of a City of the Future. 

The Jungle was actually made into one of my favorite lesser known Twilight Zone episodes, so I'd been meaning to read it for awhile! I loved comparing the differences between the two versions, given that the show had serious budgetary and television censorship constraints to contend with, while the short story lacked those obstacles. 

Other anthologies I added to the pile and have sampled from this month:

Like I said...book hangover. But that's the best kind!

The most Interesting article I read in November was The Grand Return of Comics Legend Alan Moore, which you likely saw floating around recently if you're into comics at all. Alan Moore will never die, he'll just shave his beard and disappear into obscurity for a few decades, like all good mad wizards do.

I didn't do much other nonfiction reading this month--or rather, nothing terribly interesting compared to the books I was consuming one after the other like a six year old on an M&Ms binge. Sorry about that! Hopefully next month?

Other things! 

I spent some quality time with The Always Sunny Podcast, which occupied my brain while I kept my hands busy with some (gasp) needlework. (I'm making a cross stitched Pokemon pillow for a dear friend for Christmas. It's very lopsided right now but it'll shape up soon...I hope!) 

And because I was feeling cozy, I also watched way too much Star Trek while tidying and repairing things around my house, which was still not enough Star Trek tbh. (Will I rewatch all of TNG before spring? Maybe!) My favorite episodes I revisited this time around were Yesterday's Enterprise and The Loss, both strong outings from an already excellent show if you've never watched it before.

Oh! And a friend lent me Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! which I played for like four days straight and then haven't picked up since. 

Welp! That's it for me this month! I hope you're all doing well. How was your November? How 'bout your Thanksgiving? What exciting new things did you do/see/read/play?



Happy December everyone! As with last month, my November went pretty damn well, all things considered. First off, I started getting more hours at work, which I've been begging for. During a meeting with the owner, my boss and coworker were both told that they must spend far more time in the back office working on the marketing content, meaning that I am taking over the regular shifts to free them up. I also got the opportunity to speak with the manager who handles the training classes about being a range officer. He recommended that I become a certified NRA or USCCA pistol instructor so I can start giving private lessons. From there, I could even move to being a class instructor! I think I'm going to go for it, because I believe that I have a bit of a knack for teaching, especially when it comes to firearms, plus quite a bit of patience when dealing with first time shooters. However, I have a TON of practice to do before I feel confident in taking an instructor course, so that means lots of dry fire practice and a whole lot of money on ammo, so I've definitely got my work cut out for me! I got to work a golf tournament, which turned out to be good fun! My manager (A woman whom I deadass call Daddy, Lmao) and I just chatted and handed out goodies while a bunch of folk golfed, so no complaints here! I also was featured in a promotional sketch that went over pretty well, so we are making it into a little series! It's titled Gun Bros and features myself and a friend of mine arguing about the most pointless shit that firearms enthusiasts fight about. I'm currently not comfortable sharing that with everyone, but maybe in the future! Moving on! I didn't watch or read anything worth mentioning aside from a great video on the 1,000,000th Browning pistol and how it still survives to this day in the care of a collector. I didn't game much either, but I played some Golf With Your Friends with... my friends. OH and thanks to Rockstar Support, RDR2 is no longer being an asshole, but I haven't had the time to get back into it. I did a sizeable amount of writing and I feel alright about it. I am eagerly awaiting feedback from some of my friends before continuing. The November Holidays were pretty nice! Not a whole lot happened on Armistice day (I refuse to call it Veterans day; not because I have an aversion to honoring our Vets, but because it completely overshadows the end of Great War. It is one of the most significant events in human history and the fact that so few Americans could tell you when Armistice day is really upsets me). Thanksgiving was wonderful, even though I had to work. Lightning round! I bought three shirts to support C&Rsenal's fundraising campaign since I love their content SO much. FN found some Belgian Gendarmerie FALs and turned them into parts kits to raffle off, so I entered that (Wish me Luck!). I sent in my paperwork for my concealed carry and received it in about two weeks, which is exceptionally fast! Well my friends, I think that's all from me. I will leave you with some Dad advice: always be the first to give a hug and the last to let go. You never know how much a hug can do for someone! I how you had a wonderful November and have an even better December. See ya, Cuties!

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Well, I probably wouldn't call this month a holiday. I did get Thanksgiving off, but that means making time to see some family members while awkwardly dodging invitations from others that i don't particularly like 😅. Since new culinary experiments were mentioned, I did try a couple of new recipes this month. The first being a new take on slow cooked beef stew using wine and a few new spices that i haven't tried before. The results were delicious, but i was a bit of a dunce and didn't put the excess in the freezer meaning i had to throw a good bit of it out a week later. As far as books go, I'm trucking along with the Dresden Files, currently on Cold Days. I also started a book indirectly recommended by a friend called "John Dies at the End." So far it's a bit quirky, a horror comedy, and im still acquiring a taste for it, but interesting all the same. As far as TV shows go, I've been catching up on a lot of Mike Flanagan's work, which i should have started last month's since its all horror. I've also watched Cabinet of Curiosities on Netflix, and i definitely like the concept, though a few of the stories fall flat. Other than that, my Pittie puppy, Tucker, is getting even bigger and now causes things to shake as he runs through the house. My Shiba female, Yuka, still thinks we should promptly return him to the store.😅 It's getting colder, and i got sick for the first time in nearly three years, got better after three days and have still had a persistent cough for nearly a week and a half. You know, cause that makes sense! 🙄 Hope you all are having a lovely month and that you continue to survive the last of this overall very unpleasant year. This channel has provided one of my few positives and I'm really excited to see what comes next. 😁 P.S. that reading list you mentioned (Redwall especially) just got my nostalgia sense tingling. I loved those books as a kid.


Hello everyone! Hope you all have been doing well, and that this December will be even better! For me, November was a mixed bag as a whole. Earlier this month, I was able to have a friend come over and we took a little half-week vacation, which was fun but definitely took a dent to my budget for the month—not to mention caused problems for my still-low bank account (I think that’ll change with this month, though). That being said, he and I still had a good time, and I actually got to try some clam strips and clam chowder for the first time. All I can is, I’m definitely going to start getting some more shellfish in the future! 😁 Work has also become busier, since we are nearing the Christmas season. Something unfortunate also happened in which I got into some problems with my manager due to the fact that I wasn’t fast enough about two weeks or so ago. Despite the fact that we were really slow anyway… Though, in this case, the problem was that I’m somewhat close to possibly getting fired, despite having been at the job for four years and having done so much for these guys. Regardless, that was the last straw for me: I’ve put in a resignation request earlier today—albeit one where my last day will be in April—and I’ve decided to start job-hunting when the new year starts. I’m currently thinking of trying to get a job as an assistant, medical or scientific being preferred, with some side work as a Webflow web designer (Webflow is a newer software that makes web design really easy). We’ll see what happens, though—I do have a little less than five months to find some new jobs. On happier news, though, I actually started up a creative project I’ve been enjoying: I’ve started developing my first conlang! For those who don’t know, conlangs—or “constructed languages”—are basically artificial languages that are made for fun, personal use, Worldbuilding, real world applications (sometimes), and more. It’s honestly really fascinating and I wanted to do these for a while, but didn’t believe too much in myself. Now, though, I’m having a lot of fun with it! Especially because it gives me a deeper understanding and appreciation for linguistics. For those of you who want to know what I am going to use this for: I plan to have the conlang, which I’ve dubbed “Kjauli” (kah-JAW-lee) at the moment, to be the language of a group of people on Tearnann, a paleofeudal science fantasy world that I intend to use as a setting for various stories. Specifically, Kjauli will be the main language of the People of Chaos, a confederacy of tribes that will have influences from Celtic, Māori, Viking, and Polynesian cultures and largely consists of orcs, goblins, trolls, ogres, “demons”, gorgons, and more. So, Velvet, if you ever want to do an audio with a fantasy language that isn’t Sindarin, well… you know where to find me. ;) For books, I haven’t been doing a lot of fun reading recently due to having to read for school and just being busy at work. I have been doing some reading of “Creating Life” though, which is a non-fiction book about how to depict life in fictional settings (usually fantasy and Sci-Fi). It’s also part of a trilogy called “The Art of Worldbuilding” and had two “sequels”: Creating Places and Creating Cultures and Beyond. There’s also the art book The Labyrinth by Stellan Skarsgård, which is a post-apocalyptic/cosmic horror tale about a group of people exploring a world that became damaged after a mysterious cosmic event. I’ve just started it, but it’s fascinating! I also have been getting back into Kathe Koja’s The Cipher, which is a cosmic horror novel about two friends-with-benefits—Nicholas and Nakota—who find a strange hole that can cause mutations and odd changes in anything that goes near it. As the two begin to experiment with the hole, which they’ve dubbed “the Funhole”, things get bad when Nicholas accidentally gets his hand too close to the Funhole and it starts to mutate, while Nakota becomes increasingly obsessed with the object. I’ve also been re-watching Arcane recently, which if you haven’t seen, I highly recommend it. It’s a beautiful, painful masterpiece and shows how animation and video game adaptions can be genuine works of art for mature audiences.