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Hello, Patrons! It's time for your latest peek into the future of Vanilla Velvet Audio's upcoming content!

First, all the Here for the Boos news that's fit to print: We're so close to the finish line! Obviously my schedule had a setback from being sick for a week, but even so the end is nigh! Quick to-boo list update:

Look at all those be-yoo-tiful checkmarks. 🤩 (Boo-tiful checkmarks? 👻)

My voice has recovered fully (yay!), and the last two planned scripts are in the can. In case you forgot, those are: Flirty Kitsune Friend Cuddles You During a Storm (standby script, tentatively scheduled for October 24):

And Spirited Away by a Charming Stranger on Halloween (scheduled for October 31):

After recording, I'm thinking the second thumbnail may get an overhaul to make it fit better with the sort of performance I put in. We'll see.

Additional news on that front: after poking around a little, I've lined up a couple of potential alternate scripts for the final week of the event. One is an eldritch sea monster, the other a living statue. They're quite unique! So I'd love to do those and push the current standby scripts into November. As a matter of fact, I've got a couple thumbnail concepts already in the WIP stage:

(Truly, this is a peek behind the velvet curtain and all the sloppiness that entails! Pardon my dust!)

Of course, it all depends on whether or not I can squeeze recording/editing the alternates into this week. If I can, they'll replace the Kitsune/Non-Yandere Wife scripts next week. If not, I'll try to fit these new possible scripts into November because I really like 'em!

My original script is also coming along nicely, but it's going to be a tight squeeze I think to get it done by this weekend. I've enlisted a couple of pals to fill out the cast, since it requires a couple of other voices, so obviously there's scheduling to worry about too. If necessary, I'll bump it back and replace it with something else, but I really, really want to get it out this month.

If everything works out the way I want it to, the new schedule will be:

  • October 24: Living Statue
  • October 26: Sea Monster
  • October 28: Original "Fog" inspired script
  • October 31: Spirited Away by a Charming Stranger on Halloween
  • November 2: Flirty Kitsune Friend Cuddles You During a Storm
  • November 9: Dinner Date With Your Non-Yandere Wife

If things don't work out, then the Statue/Sea Monster & Kitsune/Non-Yan Wife audios will be switched in the schedule placement. Fingers crossed I get everything done, though!

And speaking of November...

There's at least one other script I'm eyeing for the near future: a tsundere snow queen! If I get permission from the writer to make it early access, I'm aiming for that to go live on youtube on November 16.

That takes us all the way to the middle of November! I'm thinking of taking an "official" vacation between November 17-30 (Thanksgiving and such, you know!) but if I can get everything I've planned recorded, edited and squared away by the end of October I'll effectively have a month off to futz around behind the scenes. And that...sounds amazing tbh. Especially since I miiiiight be considering a mini event for December!

But we'll put a pin in that for now. Too much to do at the moment to think that far ahead, I think!

Other things in the pipeline (hopefully for this month!):

  • A couple of script notes posts
  • Another short series of bloopers
  • A Tips & Tricks post about effective descriptions/titles/tags on youtube
  • A Tips & Tricks post about basic audio enhancements in Audacity
  • The original Fog inspired script 
  • A couple remasters maybe?

And...I think that's it? Yeah. Yeah, that's it. I'll be back tomorrow with at least one new early access audio (hopefully two!) and then I'll see how much I can cram into the rest of the week. Wish me luck!

xoxo, over and out!



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