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Hiyo, Patrons! It's time for your weekly look at what's coming down the pipeline, plus the remaining Here for the Boos thumbnails!

The first two audios of Here for the Boos 2 are complete and posted for patrons. The next batch is undergoing edits and final polishes; a couple more should be up by tomorrow afternoon, with a few more after that over the weekend. My current timeline is to have pretty much everything done (including standby audios) and available for Patrons by the 10th. Then I can rest on my laurels a bit. Mmm, laurel resting.

We'll see if that pans out! (If not, I definitely want to be finished by the 15th at the latest, just so I can have a couple of weeks to rest behind the scenes.)

I'm also keeping an eye out for alternate scripts for the final week of the event and writing like mad to try and get the original "Fog" inspired script complete and recorded in time. If I find some new scripts that fit the event better, the currently selected scripts will be pushed back to November. (I'm definitely hoping I'll find some alternates. Though it'll be a mad dash to get them finished for the final week, I would love to get ahead a bit so I can laze around a little in November!)

Next on the agenda: the final half of the event thumbnails are done! So here's your peek at them!

Your Girlfriend Totally Isn't a Zombie - October 17

Yandere Vampire and Werewolf Fight Over You - October 19

Big Bad Wolf Girl Falls for You - October 21

Flirty Kitsune Friend Cuddles You During a Storm - October 24 (standby script)

Out on a Date With Your Non-Yandere Wife - October 26 (standby script)

(Fog inspired original script, title pending) - October 28 (standby script)

Stolen Away by a Charming Yandere Stranger on Halloween - October 31


And finally, I'm working on a couple of Tips & Tricks posts to round out the month. If I have time to recuperate a bit from this little case of burnout I'm nursing, I'll also try to do a couple of remasters before October is through. Here's hoping!

All right, this concludes your updates for the week! I'm off to work! See you soon, Patrons!


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