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Hello, Patrons! It's time for your weekly glance into Vanilla Velvet Audio's crystal ball.

First! This week's early access audio will be: Falling for Your Royal Guard! Here's the thumbnail, if you haven't seen it yet.

That will be up tomorrow for you!

Next: I got a few scripts in the can this weekend for Here for the Boos 2. 🎉 Not quite as many as I'd hoped, but I'll be recording and editing every night this week (real life commitments allowing) to get everything finished. Here's a look at the updated checklist and schedule:

After some consideration, I shifted the Fog inspired script to the end of the month. It's becoming increasingly complex against my will, with music, an original jingle and additional vocal roles and such. While I'm going to do my damnedest, it really might not be done in time for the event. Which is a shame because it's pretty much a spiritual sequel to an audio I did last year.

I also have a standing appointment with Juniper to record the sole dual script of the event tonight! It's the only day we're both off for the next couple of weeks so we're going to make the most of it. There will be girly hanging out, recording, beer and pizza, oh yes. Maybe even a movie, if we're feeling spicy! (Although knowing us, we'll fall asleep on the couch together halfway through. Ah, adulthood.)

If I can manage to record a couple audios every night this week as I plan to, I'll be pretty much set for the event by this weekend. I've decided I'm definitely going to record my "stand-in" scripts from the end of the month, just to get ahead a bit. Even if I replace them down the line, at least I'll have some extra audios ready to go in November.

Currently, I hope to have every audio for Here for the Boos live for Patrons within the first ten days of October. So stay tuned for that!

To close out this post, here's a thumbnail preview for Dinner With a Cannibal, which is due out on October 14th!

Too punny? Nah, no such thing.

I'll be back soon with the rest of the thumbnails! (Tomorrow? Wednesday? We'll see!)

For now, this is Velvet signing off. Over and out!




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