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As you know, we hit 50 patrons and that means Youtube Memberships are on the way, complete with just-for-fun perks like emojis and badges. Some of those will feature my persona, but others will feature the character's new sidekick! 

Not final art, obviously. ^^;

I considered introducing the sidekick fully formed right out of the gate, but after some thought I decided it would be more fun to make its development an interactive community effort. I may have laid the foundation for my channel, but listeners helped to build it into what it is today. I want to keep that going.

So, to that end: it's up to patrons to choose what Vanilla Velvet's new buddy looks like! In a week or so, I'll also open a post for name suggestions and patrons get first stab at the naming...uh, pinata? (Personally I'm throwing around yandere-related ideas like "Machete" and "Lurk.")

Anyway, let's have a peek. Here are the options for the emoji color schemes! Art by Sunrisejelly

Choose the murder kitty you love most in your heart of hearts. Voting closes in one week!


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