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Hello, hello! Instead of our usual weekly update post, planning for Summer Refresh starts right here!

Summer Refresh is intended to be a small-ish event, focusing on long-awaited sequels to existing audios and remasters of a few of my earliest works that could use some clean-ups. There will be nine audios in all: a sequel every Wednesday and a remaster every Friday. The plan is that a few will be several sequel scripts in one long form audio, others will be just a single continuation—depending entirely on how many scripts are currently floating around out there by the original writers.

Initially I was only planning to do sequels in August, but a whole month of nothing but follow-ups to existing audios can feel like homework to new listeners. I don’t want that to happen! So I figure it’s best to have some newcomer friendly content delivered every week as well. Remasters are perfect for that, I think.

Because this will be a relatively small event, planning is going to be a lot more laid back than it was for Monster Girl Mayhem. That doesn’t mean I haven’t gone overboard with it, of course! But...yeah. Less so than usual! ^^;

Let’s get to it! First, our script recording/editing checklist. The sequel titles are not finalized/optimized for youtube; these are just the original titles by the scriptwriters.

(Please ignore Centaur Part 7; it actually only goes up to 6. Apparently I can't count! x_x)

It looks like a lot, I know! But I’ve left myself some wiggle room. If recording all the sequel scripts for each pre-existing storyline turns out to be too much for my schedule over the next couple of weeks, I can pare it down a bit. I’d like to do them all! I’m jazzed to do them all! But as being a content creator has taught me, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. It’s best to remain flexible.

(I’m actually making some major changes to my recording space currently, so all the better not to set anything in stone!)

Next up: the Summer Refresh community elements!

Bright, sunny and a little retro! After the last couple of events using emoji clues, I wanted to switch it up with some quote clues instead. The aqua quotes are sequels, the golden ones are remasters. They're all in order according to the schedule I currently have planned. I might (?) change a couple but likely not.

That said, there won't be a new intro/outro for the videos themselves since I'd like the sequels to be fairly visually consistent with the previous audios.

Next! I'm almost done with the thumbnails for the event, but there are so many those will have to be their own post, along with the finalized schedule for August.

And finally: the general to-do list for making sure the event goes well:

  • Contact writers - DONE!
  • Post list of sequel scripts on Patreon - DONE!
  • Plan audio schedule - DONE!
  • Design audience participation elements - DONE! 
  • Find appropriate stock - DONE!
  • Make all thumbnails - MOSTLY DONE!
  • Hunt down appropriate SFX for all sound cues - MOSTLY DONE!
  • Edit/expand scripts as needed
  • Record/adlib
  • Edit
  • Make videos
  • Write new keyword rich titles/descriptions for each audio
  • Upload to youtube & properly tag
  • Launch, oversee and promote event!

Whew. I have a loooong preparation period ahead of me to get everything all set to go. But I can do it!

I'll be back tonight with the finished schedule/thumbnail post and another remaster; this week's early access will be up tomorrow as usual and then the flurry of event-related work begins! Catch you later!




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