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Hi, all! I come bearing less-than-stellar news this week: I'm under the weather. Bleh. The past month of running myself ragged has finally caught up with me, and the holiday weekend was brutally busy and stressful. (At least I got to see some fireworks! Best part of the holiday next to cookout food imo.)

Honestly I was this close to taking this week off, but I don't want to take a break so soon after my most recent one at the start of June. So! Back in the saddle we go!

This week's sneak peeks are a bit different than usual, in that I still haven't decided which audio I'll be posting on Wednesday. The script for "Your Mad Scientist Wife Cloned Herself" is nearly finished; I could probably knock the rest of that out tonight if I really try. 

The other possibilities ("Flirty Punk Defends You" and "Monster Girl Hypnotizes You") are also nipping at my heels, though I'm not quite satisfied with either in their current states. The "Plucky Slime" script is nearing completion as well, though I don't think that'll be done for another week or two.

At any rate, I'll be spending tonight recording, editing and hashing out which audio will be in early access tomorrow. It really depends on how everything shakes out over the next few hours. That will determine which roleplay I'll be happy to post for you. I want it to be good!

In the meantime, I do have some sneak peeks to offer! Thumbnails!




(I'm waffling on that title. It doesn't quite sum up the reverse comfort elements of the script.)

The hypnotic monster girl thumbnail is still in the works. I'm trying to nail the right vibe for it and having a little difficulty with finding a good stock image.

Looking ahead to later in the month, and August's sequel event...

There's a yandere monster girl script I've been eyeing since December, and I'm going to do it at some point before the month is through if possible. I'm keeping that one under wraps for the time being, though!

I also think I've nailed down the audios I'd like to do for the sequel event in August! Because it's a mini event, the audios will be weekly, for five total. I may decide to release some remasters to youtube during the same period to make the event feel a bit beefier, but I don't know for sure yet. We'll see!

Anyway! The audio that got the most votes in the Patron's Pick poll was "Perky Yandere Mom Kidnaps You for Her Tsundere Daughter", just barely edging out "Cuddling With a Perky, Curious Wolf Girl." The original yandere mom script required a lot of revisions to make it mesh with my content style, so I'm a little concerned the sequel will be just as labor intensive. Still, I'm going to give it my best shot!

The other audios I'm tentatively planning to tackle:

  • Lonely, Isolated Centaur Goes Yandere for You
  • Tough, Bold Orc Girl Flirts With You
  • Cuddling With a Perky, Curious Wolf Girl
  • Cute, Clumsy Ditsy Giantess Takes You In

These aren't final, there's a lot of time between now and August, but I do think there's a good mix of themes/performance styles here that will make for a satisfying event.

All right, this concludes your weekly plans and updates post. Velvet signing out!

