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Can you believe we're almost at the end of June already? 😱 It feels like it vanished in a blink! I hope July feels a little slower; I could use the break!

Anyway, it's time for your sneak peek at this week's audio: Your Perky Slasher Girlfriend Helps You Open a Summer Camp!

You might remember last week I posted a potential thumbnail that looked like this:

But I ultimately decided it was a bit too sinister and didn't quite fit the cute tone of the script/performance. So after a lot of trials and revisions, I finally came up with something I'm much happier with: 

Adorable! I'm quite pleased with the end result, even if it did take half a dozen iterations to reach it. ^^

To keep myself accountable, here are the other things I've officially committed to the pipeline this week:

  • Tuesday: Early access + a remastered audio
  • Wednesday: Remastered audio + answering all of June's Patreon comments that I've fallen behind on + early access to my One Year Anniversary stat post for youtube!
  • Thursday: Remastered audio + chit-chat and rec post + a look at my Master Audio List for Vanilla Velvet Audio's first year online!

And then it'll be July! And we'll start planning for not just all of next month's audios, but also for the August sequel event! Which still doesn't have a snazzy name! 😨 Ah well, I'll figure something out.

Speaking of July, I'm hoping to find time to finish my original scripts between now and then. To whet your appetites, here's a couple of short excerpts from those:


Honey! You're home early! What? Of course I'm happy to see you! (giggle) How could I fail to be the happiest wife in the world when you get home? (giggle, a kiss)
(distracted by kissing, but coming out of it) Hmm? Ray gun? What ray gun? 
Oh! That ray gun. I was so excited to see you I almost forgot.
Why the ray gun? (dismissively) Why the sun? Why the air? Why love? Why hate? Why anything? Aren't these the very searching, probing questions that mankind's quest for understanding seek to answer through the scientific disciplines?
Okay, seriously why the ray gun. Uhhh. Well...stay calm, babe. It's nothing! Really! I was just testing out the new disintegration setting on a few errant dust bunnies. I only set the couch on fire a little bit.
Not buying it, huh? Fair. (giggle) It wasn't one of my better lies. (giggle) I set the couch on fire a lot
In fact, we don't have much of a couch anymore. Or...any, really. So! Why don't you go out to the furniture store over on Branch Street and pick--
Trying to get rid of you? I'm not trying to get rid of you! Ha, ha, why would you think--
Ah. Not falling for that either, hm? Hrm.
All right. So, I may have had a little "accident" in the lab. Okay, not may have, did. And perhaps not so much an accident, more a readily foreseeable consequence of my actions that I nevertheless somehow failed to foresee. You've seen my glasses prescription, darling, you know I'm short-sighted. (giggle)


Oh! You started me! Did you follow me out of the tavern?
You're here to rob me, right? (Bitterly) You wouldn't be the first, but I'm warning you: I'll put up a fight! (Aside, awkward) It won't be much of one, I can't really swing a sword very well, and I'll probably cry... (stubbornly, plucking up her courage) but--but I'll slime your boots! And the gold I'm carrying won't be enough to replace them. Robbing me isn't worth it!  So--so there!
And--and if you're thinking about killing me for the experience and renown, don't bother! I've got the consistency of strawberry jelly, so I won't be a satisfying fight! A young slime like me is hardly a good trophy to mount on your wall!
You're...not going to rob me? Or kill me? Oh! Well, that's a relief. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I didn't expect any of the other customers to talk to me. Aren't you going to laugh at me too?
No, huh? I appreciate that. (Sadly) I've been in six taverns this month and you're the first person not to laugh in my face or steal my coin. How am I supposed to find a mercenary if no one will take me seriously? 
(Under her breath, irritated) Just because I look like a gumdrop!

Aside from these, I have a couple of probable scripts picked out, but I'll talk about them more when July is actually here.

All right, that's it for now, Patrons! I'll be back with early access and other goodies tomorrow! See you then!




Jake C (that1otherJake)

Oh my. So many new things to look forward to this month. Definitely love the final pic you went with for the slasher girl. I really like the script excerpts from the mad scientist wife and slime girl scripts. Its always interesting seeing the actual format the stories are written in. Thanks, Ms Velvet!


Funnily enough when I learned to write scripts back when I first became interested in screenwriting, I learned the industry standard script format. That has a ton of little formatting rules that are better suited to productions with multiple actors. Audio RP is closer to a monologue so this is a lot more informal! And admittedly much sloppier XD