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Hiyo! How is everybody holding up out there in Patreon-land? 

Me? Well, it's starting to feel redundant to say "I'm swamped" but here we are! Still swamped! (Things may ease up a little after the start of July but don't hold me to that as much as I wish you could. Someday I will know a human sleep schedule and free time again. Someday.) 

That said I made some time to record and edit this weekend between desperately necessary naps, and I have three RPs in various stages of completion ready to go out over the next three weeks. Yay.

Which brings us to this week's audio! This one was a dark horse I completely forgot I had on my to-do list like a dingus and therefore never mentioned to you all!

Yandere Magical Girl Mentors You!

It's my first real F4F audio, sweet, a little sad, and of course a bit romantically sketchy as yanderes often are. It's also Yan-con's script and as you all probably know by now, he's one of the MVPs of yandere content! I loved the storyline; there's a real lack of magical girl content out in the ASMR space, which is a shame because the genre is ripe for roleplay stories! 

The reason I selected this one is I've been getting a few requests on youtube for an F4F audio recently, so I was casting around for a good script and remembered: oh, right! This has been on my list forever. And I thought, there's no better time than now! I should get at least one F4F audio on my channel in its first year online.

I've also settled on next week's audio: Your Perky Slasher Girlfriend Helps You Open a Summer Camp! A thumbnail idea I'm toying with for that:

I'm not sure I'm satisfied with it; I may go another direction entirely. We'll see!

All right, this concludes your weekly update post! See you tomorrow with early access!




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