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👋 Who's got a day free for audio stuff after five solid days of no time? Spoiler alert: it's meeee!

This will be a very short planning and update post because I'm cramming as much recording and editing as possible into today. (This week I will also be slammed IRL so it's crunch time. 😭) I've already recorded two full scripts today and I hope to get two or three more in the can after stuffing some lunch in my face and giving my voice a little break.

Scripts I've officially settled on/got permission to post in the next few weeks, in no particular order:

  • A summer camp slasher romance with a perky murderer
  • Reverse-comfort for your slightly shy, grumpy boxer girlfriend
  • Patching up a flirty tough girl who defends your honor
  • An Indiana Jones-ish temple adventure with a rival femme fatale thief-turned-damsel in distress
  • Hypnosis with a cute monster girl

Other scripts now under consideration/being worked on:

  • A western gunslinger wanders into your gun shop (I'm trying to perfect a Texas accent and...it's bad, y'all. I need some time to get it right. 😅)
  • An excursion to peruse a Goblin's wares
  • ORIGINAL SCRIPT: your mad scientist wife cloned herself
  • ORIGINAL SCRIPT: a plucky slime girl asks for your help

I also think I'm going to push the summer sequel event to August, so I have a bit more time to plan and it doesn't come right on the heels of Monster Girl Mayhem.

Expect a poll later today (?) about which sequel audios you'd most like to see!

You may also notice I haven't yet posted May's Patron Credit List yet; this is because of a short delay with receiving the list from Patreon after some reversed charges and such. Don't fret! It should be up tomorrow. I think!

Okay, I'm off to make myself a snack and get back to work. See you with audio goodies soon!





Seeing you progress and move towards original scripts is something I look forward to seeing. It'll make the channel more you. Much love, take care.