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Hello and welcome to May’s chit-chat and recommendation post, a cozy little space to update each other on what we’ve been doing and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

Spring has already given way to summer where I am and with the bump in temperatures came a corresponding bump in all around busyness. I haven’t had a ton of time for recreation this month behind the scenes, so my recs for May are really thin on the ground, but I hope you enjoy my humble offerings anyway!

Best Article(s) I Read This Month: Other than keeping up with the news (I know it’s my civic duty and all to be an informed citizen, but damn it’s depressing) I haven’t had much time to read this month. Fiction was basically out of the question other than an incredibly trashy romance novel that I refuse to cop to publicly, so I’ve been feeding my brain with all manner of interesting articles from across the interwebs.

Here are my favorites! It’s a nice selection of fascinating futurism and history.

What Dinner Will Look Like in the Next 100 Years, According to Scientists (and Sci-Fi Authors): Just what it says on the tin, a look at where the meals we eat might be going, based on current trends, technological advances and environmental science. With a dash of the fantastic, of course!

Robots Are Writing Poetry, and Many People Can’t Tell the Difference: A history of AIs creating poetry that charts their development from the 1980s to today, and what that may mean for human creativity in the future.

An Unfiltered Oral History of the Marlboro Man: I have a weird fascination with advertising and mascots and things of that nature, so this article about one of THE most successful ad campaigns of the twentieth century and how it reshaped an entire brand in the public consciousness really scratched that particular itch.

How America Embraced Aspics With Threatening Auras: If you've ever looked at vintage food and wondered "Why DID people put so much stuff in Jell-o, anyway?" this deep dive into that particular trend will enlighten you. 'Nuff said.

Game(s): Two favorites to share this month, and both horror related! Zombie Night Terror, a strategy-lite game about unleashing zombies on an unsuspecting populace; and the incredibly frustrating (but still wonderful!) Lovecraftian horror of Sunless Sea. 10/10 if you haven’t played that one, it’s fantastic even if it makes me want to rage quit occasionally.

(Humble Bundle also put out a bundle of basically all the DLC for Cities: Skylines, plus the main game, so if you’ve never played it and enjoy city builders, I suggest you jump on that!)

Other Stuff! I've been hitting the gym more often this month after a prolonged period of being a hedonistic lazy blob. While I'm tired af after every session, it feels good, my dudes! If you've been waiting for a sign to get back to the gym or to start going or even just to become more active, consider this that! Because I can't recommend it enough. 💖

That's it for me this month. A sad short list, I know! Hopefully June will be a bit less busy. What have you guys been up to? Do anything fun in May?



Hey Velvet! Sorry to hear you have been busy—same thing has been going for me, since I am halfway through my second term at my new college (my college, an online one, is separated into “terms” that last two months each). The classes are a little hard, since they are both graphic design courses (I’m currently working towards a graphic design degree with a web design concentration) which I’m not too familiar with, but I think I’m slowly getting the hang of everything. Hopefully, things’ll be easier for us all next month. Sadly, outside of playing Elden Ring, I haven’t been able to do much of other hobbies or projects like reading or writing—though that might change this week, since I have gotten through homework fast. And I feel you about the news. I mean, I get that mainstream news is going to focus on all the negatives, but sometimes the depressing stuff gets too much. It’s one reason I subscribed to Morning Brew, which is both a lot more neutral in regard to both tone and viewpoint than other sources. As for recommendations—I have actually been watching a Netflix documentary called “Our Father” which is very interesting! It’s about some people who discover that their mothers had sperm donated, but that the doner was the doctor overseeing everything. It might be a bit squeamish for some, but I find it a fascinating story! Now, that said, there are some books I also want to recommend. For starters: there is the Mistborn series and Stormlight Archive series, both by Brandon Sanderson. They are amazing fantasy novels that really deserve more attention—and might even make good audio sources. 😉 Plus, they are set in the same universe, which I really love as a whole. Next up would be The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang. It’s this brutal, East Asia—inspired fantasy book that is kind of a retelling of the Second Sino-Japanese War. I heard about it first from Daniel Greene’s YT channel, and I gotta say—it does not disappoint!


May was an alright month for me! I love living in the desert, I think it's beautiful in it's own way, but let me tell you, it's fuckin' HOT! Seriously though, it's well into the evening and it's still 89 degrees wtf. Now that I'm done bitchin' about the wrath of the sun, my step bro graduated high school and I couldn't be more proud of him! One of my close friends moved back across the country for his master's program, which is a bummer, but I'm really happy for him! I am also super stoked because I'm about to wrap up my first year of gunsmithing classes! I'll be enjoying a year of normal before I move north for an additional 2-3 years of schooling before I'm free and can consider starting my own business! I don't think I watched anything new this month since I had quite a bit going on, but I did get to enjoy me some Star Wars, so I really can't complain! Actually, I just remembered that I watched the first two episodes of Kenobi and I don't yet know what to think about it. If any of y'all have have thoughts on it, I'd be curious to pick your brain! As for games, I have put in quite a few hours into a modded playthrough of Skyrim, complete with some Berserk influences. I also finally had the realization that I can play modded COD WAW zombies on PC, so many a modded map have been played between class work. I regrettably didn't read anything aside from starting a re-read of Berserk. With that said, I did break out a short story that I had started writing for gits and shiggles and made a fair amount of progress. It's probably really shit, but the only way to improve is to practice, or at least that's what I've been told! In closing, May was, as the cool kids say, pretty gamer and only made better by the excellent event provided by a certain gal who's really good at talking into a microphone! I hope the rest of y'all had a great month as well. If not, I sincerely hope June is your month! Catch you later, you cutie idiots!

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Sheesh, your short lists are still longer than my average days.😵 Unfortunately, I just haven't had the heart to read much in the way of news aside from my general updates from most of the major news networks and Flip Side. Not much on articles this month either. Lol. I'm starting to think im not reading enough, but it's a lot more convenient and time saving to listen to podcasts, audio books, or watch documentaries, while im cleaning painting or commuting.😅 Im on a bit of a sci fi vibe this month in terms of stories. I just finished listening to the Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin and since it seems the Expanse (the show) is done for the foreseeable future, I've been catching up with the audio books in that series (currently on Babylon's Ashes). Both are good series so far, though i will admit Three Body had my head spinning with the physics (had to read a couple Wikipedia articles for it to make sense). In TV series, I caught the first two episodes of Kenobi, and I'm more or less content with that so far, so yay. Other than that it's a lot of repeats while im doing chores so nothing special. Nothing much new in games though both Zombie Night Terror and Sunless Sea sound intriguing. Might have to look at them if i have time. One new thing is that im getting back into crafting and painting for tabletop games. Unfortunately, can't post pics here, but I've made some lovely terrain pieces (rocks and a water battle map) and powered through painting a False Hydra mini that i bought from a wonderful distributor in Malta. For the past year I've been working on what I hope will be an epic Dwarf King's throne, around which i am slowly building an enormous stalagmite. Also, i have a new roommate...so that's a thing. 🤷 Not bad so far. And I've got a line on a potential new pup, so hopefully my Shiba female will have someone to play with.🤞 Hopefully, the rest of you are doing alright (seems like that so far). Hopefully, Summer will be good too.


Mays had its ups and downs for me. My bday was on Mothers day this year so thats kinda cool, but I had to cancel some plans I made that weekend since i got KO'd with a cold the 2 days before, not that I was planning anything super extravagant with it being Mothers day and all. I did end up seeing The Northman the following tuesday with a friend and it was a solid movie, it's a lot like Hamlet (or so my friend says, ive never actually read it) but with vikings. As far as other things I've been watching, I have to say the first few episodes of Kenobi have been pretty good imo. The story feels compelling, characters well written, and the actors are doing a fine job as well, its just a shame that the actress behind the main antagonist is getting so much undeserved hate, I for one think shes killing it so far. I've also been getting back into anime with SpyxFamily, its just so fun and cute :), that and I love the dynamic between the family. Favorite parts so far have been when they are at the school making their way to the entrance interview and when they go to the art museum (Yor being awestruck at the painting of the guillotine is a bit of a mood tbh). Haven't played anything new this season, but I've still been enjoying myself. Destiny 2 released a new season last week so I am on that grind again (woo!). and interesting achievement I got playing EU4 last month was called Switzerlake, where as Switzerland you have to own 99 provinces and none of them can be coastal, which has made some very interesting and slightly cursed borders in Italy. Sunless Sea has actually been on my steam wishlist forever, I'm a big fan of rogue-lites but for whatever reason I just haven't gotten around to the one yet. Things are starting to get busy at the pizza restaurant I work at with summer right around the corner. It's in a very touristy part of town so we got real busy during Memorial day this past weekend and we expect many customers this weekend with the big annual car show coming up. It's apparently the largest show in the state (or so says the flyer) so wish me luck 🙃 And with that, I hope everyone watches good shows and movies, eats good food, plays good games, reads good books, and overall has a good June. Best of luck to everyone and happy pride month!


Well May was a mixed bag for me, there were some good moments, but then some not so great, guess that's the way it goes sometimes. Hopefully June will be better. I went to go see Doctor Strange 2 with my brother, overall the movie was good, but obviously they hyped it up way too much. I liked what they did and what they offered me, but there were some visual effects I didn't like, story issues, and some directing choices I didn't agree with. It was a good time, just don't expect the best shit ever from the MCU. Speaking of Marvel I've continued reading some of the comics I'm currently on, however I wanted to check out something fresh and different for a change. Luckily Boom Studios released a new comic called Grim #1 by Stephanie Phillips and art by Flaviano. The basic premise is that you follow a female reaper as she takes souls to the afterlife, but doesn't remember how she died and the real Death is currently MIA?! It's only had one issue so far so hopefully it gets better with time. It was a decent start and I like the art style. Anyways May was the end of my VITA contract for my job, but thankfully they're gonna keep me on as an intake specialist, in english, I'm the first person to make contact with new and returning clients to see what services they're looking for and seeing if we can assist them. We help them fill out the paper work, make referrals and more. Some of it I know how to do already, but there are things I need to get better at and stuff that's still in progress from May, wish me luck, I'm kinda nervous lol. For video games I haven't played much of anything except for Halo, I'm sorry I just love stupid shooters that are fun, idk what it is, but I can't stop playing it. The Second Season of the Game came out, but unfortunately the season rewards didn't interest me enough to get the premium pass, so I just stuck with the basic one and I'm working my way through it. My cousin from Texas recently visited to see family and for some work conventions they were having here in downtown LA. It was great to see her and catch up, so happy to see she's doing great and thriving in her field. Socially not much has changed. I guess you could say I'm kinda introverted, but if friends or coworkers ask me to go out I'm mostly down to go. Romantically I'm in a very weird spot right now, its so strange to be attracted to someone who's very different from you and trying to make it work, communication isn't that great, we haven't gone out in a while and it feels like I want things more than she does. I mean we have had our moments together, but perhaps we're just not that compatible and that's a talk we need to have. Things have changed at home recently with a family member and we're trying to adapt to it, but it's been hard on all of us. It's been tough these last 2 weeks and idk if it'll get better, I'm worried for my parents and I'm trying to be the stable pillar for them to lean on in case things get bad. Hopefully things don't get to that point. Anyways, that was May for me. Hope everyone is well and I'll catch you guys later.


Little bit late to the party but currently I started working at a new job as my finances were starting to get a bit costly since I was running out of money. Haven't played any new games besides just making content on my account with some Destiny 2 or Elden Ring. Been listening to a lot more asmr, which includes some of your older stuff lol, and I've been tryna find new animes to watch but can't seem to find much that have caught my interest. Currently looking forward to my cousins high school graduation in June, and a few games in the upcoming months. I also still haven't had much luck on dating apps but I'm not too worried about it. Other than that May went by rather quick in its final 2 weeks.


Hey, good luck on your university courses! I'm just an amateur/admirer of the art form, but graphic design is a lovely discipline! I hope it brings you much success. 🥰 Sanderson always comes up in recommendations for fantasy reads, but I have yet to pick up any. My to-read pile is absolutely menacing as it is and he's just written so many books ;_; I'll get to some eventually!


Hey, congrats to your stepbrother! That's a big milestone! Also, I really think the gunsmithing thing is cool. In spite of the Anakin gags, I can't help but imagine you as like, a really cool old west hero with a duster fluttering in the wind and a gun shop on the edge of town. A very Roland-from-Dark-Tower kind of vibe haha. I encourage you to keep writing! I'll let you in on a secret: when it comes to being a beginner, writing is absolutely one of the most forgiving art forms you can take up. Paint dries, clay turns solid, but words are forever malleable and can be reshaped into something better if they don't come out right the first time. Plus, writers who are just starting out may not have the refined technical chops that come with years of practice, but they do have a serious edge when it comes to creativity. Before you know the "rules" inside and out, you can just...play! Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks! And someday, after a lot of practice when you're more accomplished from a technical standpoint, those ideas can be honed to perfection.


I still haven't actually watched The Expanse, even though I've been meaning to get around to it (and the books!) for...uh, awhile. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Also, tabletop miniatures? That's so neat! I've known friends-of-friends who made those, but never gotten into it myself. Me and paint don't get along too well, especially not at a small scale; I can barely paint my nails without creating a disaster area 😅 I hope the roommate works out well! And the possible-new puppy!! That's exciting.


Hey, Spy X Family is in my to-watch list! I've heard nothing but good things and I love a good slice-of-life trope subversion fest! (See also: Way of the House Husband) So I'm greatly looking forward to it whenever I get the chance to binge. I heartily recommend Sunless Sea! It took me awhile to get to it, but I got addicted basically immediately and played nothing else for a few days straight lol. And I hear you about tourist season! I've lived in some vacation towns in my life; the sudden influx of people (and traffic 😬) is brutal. I hope it hasn't been too bad for you! And if it has, here's hoping it gets better. 💖


Thanks! I appreciate it a lot! Granted, I am with you about being an amateur/admirer of art, at least when it comes to more visual styles (drawing, painting, sketching, etc.). I have nothing against it, of course--I just have more of a preference for writing as a whole (it was what I studied for my first Bachelor's, and is what I'm planning to do for my Master's). I'm mainly taking the Graphic Design courses since I think they'd help me with a Web Design course I got on Udemy (a skill-building website), which I want to get into next as a job. Admittedly, I am also doing much better with my classes than I expected, so that's a nice surprise. :) And it does make me feel like I should have gotten into these classes sooner. I can see Sanderson coming up--putting aside the fact he's the god-king of fantasy at the moment, there are tons of people who think he's a writing genius. Plus, it's impressive how he's able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time! But yeah, I can see that about your to-read list--I'm the same way, pretty much. I do have to warn, though: Sanderson pretty much gets a book out every year (heck, over the Quarantine, he managed to write four extra books on top of the one he's working on at the moment), so when you have a chance to read him... it might take a while to catch up. At least you won't have to wait long for the next books in your favorite series of his! ;) If I might be so bold, as well, I actually would suggest a couple of alternatives to his books: first, there are the Graphic Audios of his works, which is basically audiobooks with sound effects, background music, and full voice acting. They're definitely more expensive than regular audiobooks, but I'd say they're worth it! The other is that some people are more-or-less making a fan game adaption of his Mistborn series, which has been dubbed "Project Ashes". While there's only a little bit of footage on it at the moment, what the studio has so far is amazing to see, to say the least.


I still haven't seen Multiverse of Madness but I've got my fingers crossed it'll be everything I want from a Sam Raimi movie, even if it isn't everything I want from a Marvel movie. If that makes sense lol. re: your partner: I have nothing of substance to offer than to say that relationships are hard--not just romantic ones, but anything that requires humans to communicate well and bond is a balancing act of boundaries and feelings and other obligations. It's definitely tough to navigate. I hope things turn out for the best for you, whatever that looks like. And with your family too! I'm going through some similar familial stuff right now; you'll pull through, even if it's rough! 🤗 I'll send as many good vibes as possible your direction.


Hey, congrats on the new job!! And content making! That's great! I hope it's continuing to go well for you. I'm glad to hear you're also not worrying about dating app woes. I truly believe there's someone out there for everyone! It's just a matter of time before we all find the people we belong with, whether friends, partners or found families. Hang in there! 💖