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Howdy, friends and neighbors! Sorry I'm a day late with this week's update post. I was positively slammed this weekend and I'm still sort of recovering. I hope your weekend was less busy than mine!

As you know, this is the last full week of Monster Girl Mayhem. As I mentioned in my prior weekly plans post, I was thinking about shifting the scheduled audios around slightly, and I decided to take the plunge on that. So, the remaining audios of the event hit youtube as follows:

  • May 23 - Yandere AI
  • May 25 - Frost Giantess
  • May 27 - Praying Mantis
  • May 30 - Kaiju Queen

The final script I need to record, Your First (and Last?) Time With Your Praying Mantis Girlfriend, has been expanded: from around 600 words to almost 1200. 🎉

I'm pretty happy with it, though I am a bit concerned that youtube might put the kibosh on it due to content. The script isn't really explicit, though it does make  reference to sex; sometimes that's enough to get your knuckles rapped by the powers that be. It does skew more comedic than smutty, so I hope that will be a saving grace. (Comedic sexual innuendo has different rules from sexually gratifying content on youtube; the guidelines are quite weird and specific!) We'll see how that goes!

Hopefully when the audio is complete it'll be about ten minutes long. I've set aside some time in my schedule to record and edit tomorrow, so it should be in early access by Thursday. I'll also be sitting down to remaster at least one older audio once that's done, so that should be up by the weekend. Yay!

Looking ahead to June, I'm considering a variety of scripts for regular weekly audios. My very vague thematic plan at the moment:

  • June 1 - Real world setting/slice of life
  • June 8 - Yandere
  • June 15 - Monster Girl
  • June 22 - Real world setting/slice of life
  • June 29 - Yandere

Of course this is subject to change, but I think it's a solid schedule for now. After a month of monster girls, some less fantastical audios are in order I think! Some scripts that are under consideration:

  • Your girlfriend drinks a yandere potion
  • Sharing a bed with a coworker
  • A jungle adventure with a femme fatale
  • A slasher romance
  • A flirty girl patches you up
  • Hurt/comfort with a tough girl

Some of these scripts are by writers I haven't cleared early access permission with, and still others would need permission for a gender swap, so I'll (obviously) have to contact them before I record. Here's hoping I get permission! Because I quite like them. 🤞

Other things on the way at some point in the next several weeks:

  • A Monster Girl Mayhem postmortem (behind the scenes analytics, etc.)
  • A look at the event's thumbnails and how the stock images were edited to get the look I wanted
  • A behind the scenes post about Vanilla Velvet Audio's branding journey and all the concepts that wound up in the trash in the past year
  • A couple of bloopers? (My bloopers are rarely funny so I'm a bit nervous about sharing any ^^;)
  • Hopefully at least one Tips and Tricks post breaking down graphic design elements in making good thumbnails
  • This one is a maybe, but: a proper breakdown of my own recording set-up now that I've been quietly upgrading it a wee bit behind the scenes.

Okay, that's a lot! And I still have to get on figuring out which sequels I'll produce in July. But these are my plans going forward through the end of June. 

OH! I almost forgot, I do have a little announcement about my Patreon goals!

Currently, the goal for 50 Patrons is: 

When I reach 50 patrons, I’ll commission a custom set of emotes and badges to use during premieres on YouTube and offer memberships for my channel! I’ll also release some merch with my logo, persona, etc. on them!

We're almost there! And most of those perks are on the way! In fact, here's a sneak peek at a sticker design draft! (Subject to tweaks, of course.)

Ain't it purdy?

But anyway! The plan hit a bit of a snag. After crunching the numbers and doing a lot of research, fully custom emotes and badges are too rich for my blood at the moment. (Just a dozen emotes starts at  $350-$400, which... 😬) While I fully intend to get customs eventually, that price is a bit, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Completely insane? for my present channel earnings.

So I'll be amending that goal from "commission a custom set of emotes and badges" to "get a set of emotes and badges" and look into something a bit more off the rack, as it were, for my current emote/badge needs. I'll expand the roster with more custom content in the future as I can better eat the cost. I wanted to let you guys know about that change to the goal, as a matter of transparency. Sorry about that!

Everything else in that goal is staying the same, though. I bet we'll hit it in June!

All right. This concludes your weekly updates! I'm gonna go have some dinner, hit the gym and go back to work. I hope your week goes great! 💖


Jake C (that1otherJake)

Lmao, a slasher romance? This is why i love your channel. 😅


Thanks for the update, and no worries about the custom emotes, the more your channel grows and expands I’m sure getting custom emotes will be possible in the near future. You do plenty enough for us and the channel as it is and you certainly deserve some downtime for the effort you put into Monster Girl Mayhem. Much love take care and we’ll catch you later Vel 👍🏻💕