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Hiya, Patrons! How are you doing on this fine spring day? See the lunar eclipse last night? I did! Ain't the universe grand? I hope you're doing well. 💖

Anyway, it's time for our weekly planning and updates post!

There are two audios left in Monster Girl Mayhem that I need to record this week: Owned by a Vampire and Your First (and Last?) Time with Your Praying Mantis Girlfriend. It's been several weeks since I shared the thumbnails for those, so let's have a quick refresh:

Aw, ain't they cute? 🥰

The Vampire audio is due this Friday--and will be posted here at least the day before--but I haven't recorded it yet. 😬 I've found myself in a bit of a situation with it between not having the time/energy to record it last week and the format presenting a problem.

It's a multi-script work--6 scripts posted to date, at 9600 words. (So potentially 90+ minutes.) I was originally thinking of doing 'em all in one long form audio but unlike the Succubus series this one doesn't actually have a "proper" finale. The 6th script has a cliffhanger. Whoops! It seems I am in a pickle of my own making. Darn it, me!

That said, the 5th script could serve as a good stopping point, but I have to decide which direction I want to go: a happily-for-now ending, or something that will whet the audience's appetite for more. 

This, of course, is all dependent on time constraints. If I can't find the time to record/edit something of that length in the next couple of days, I'll either have to push the audio back a week (doable but I'd rather not) or pare it down to a shorter audio between 1-3 scripts in length. 

So. Uh. Like I said: pickle! But I'll figure it out.

The Praying Mantis girlfriend script also still needs edits/adlibs to make it longer, but I don't anticipate it being much of an issue. It's a fun script with a great idea; those kinds of scripts are easy to adlib around. However I am considering shifting it around in the schedule. Previously, the schedule around it looked like this:

  • May 23 - Praying Mantis
  • May 25 - Frost Giantess
  • May 27 - Yandere AI
  • May 30 - Kaiju Queen

But I'm thinking of switching this around a little. The last three audios in the line-up are deeper vocal performances; I'd like some more variety in there. Also, the more I think about it, the more I don't want two audios with vocal effects (AI & Kaiju) posted back to back. So the schedule may end up looking more like this:

  • May 23 - Yandere AI
  • May 25 - Frost Giantess
  • May 27 - Praying Mantis
  • May 30 - Kaiju Queen

It's seems like a little thing, I know, but I'm a weird perfectionist like that. ^^;

Other than working on the last two audios of Monster Girl Mayhem, toward the end of the month I'll be posting some behind-the-scenes stuff from the event for Patrons! (Mostly thumbnail before/afters and maybe a couple bloopers?) I also need to remaster an older audio for you guys before May is through, and finally properly start planning for June!

There will be five regular weekly audios in June so I need to figure out what scripts I'd like to do. Obviously after a month of monster girls I should scale that theme back, so I anticipate doing a couple slice-of-life scripts (something beachy? idk), a yandere or two (as usual!) and maybe one monster girl in the middle of the month. 

I think that's a good plan. It balances the month of content for my various audiences: people who've waited during May for a return to slice-of-life will get some goodies, and yandere/monster girl listeners will also get something. Everybody's happy!

Secondly, June will be my channel's one year anniversary (yay!); June 30th is officially one year since I started posting audios. I'm not planning an event, as such, but I will be introducing a new feature on my channel: Throwback Thursdays! Basically I'll feature three older audios in the community tab every week. 

I hope to drive more traffic to older audios that way, as the lifespan of content on youtube tends to be rather short without some kind of intentional boost. It will also help me gauge which audios are the most desirable for remasters and sequels so that I can better prioritize.

And finally....I know I said I was planning for June, but I'm also looking into the distant future of July! I've decided I'll do nothing but sequels to previous audios during the month as a sort of mini-event. (I don't have a snappy name for it yet; suggestions welcome!) 

I'll be sticking to a regular weekly schedule. I think that will be perfect after introducing Throwback Thursdays. Older audios will be fresh in people's minds and they'll be more excited for sequels! (I hope!) 

So. Looks like I've got a full couple of months ahead of me if all goes to plan! Now  I've just got to get to work.

This concludes your weekly updates post! I'll be back on Thursday (at the latest!) with a new early access audio (or maybe two!) come hell or high water! I hope your week goes great.





Incredible how professional you're presenting your channel. Make sure not to overwork yourself or anything. You're so far my favourite ASMRtist if I can be really honest. Probably because your videos feel more like a wholesome bed time story instead of just sounds or without getting questionable. Keep up your great work, and I hope you keep branding yourself this way. Maybe you can try something along the lines of 'summer sequels'? It's hard to come up with anything good for July :P


Thank you so much for this kind comment; it means so much to me. I'm definitely trying my best! And while I may do more "adult" content somewhere in the distant future, stuff that might not fly on youtube, I intend to always keep my work story and character focused. 💖


(Also, funny you should mention "Summer Sequels" because "Summer of Sequels" was the only thing I could come up with myself so far!)