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We're through our first week of Monster Girl Mayhem! I hope you're enjoying the event on youtube, 'cause I know I am!

I've been pretty beat/busy this past week IRL, ngl. I've fallen behind on a lot of channel stuff as a result. (There are so many little notification bubbles staring at me whenever I check anything!) But! I tried to get some downtime in over the weekend and I'm getting ready to tackle the last four audios of the event. Then begins planning for June!

Let's take a look at our Monster Girl Mayhem checklist and see how we're doing:

Ahh, look at all that beautiful green. 🥰

I'll be posting the Werewolf Roommate audio for early access today. I also plan to try and block some time out over the next couple of days to record the remaining audios. I'd like to get everything done by the weekend, but I don't know how feasible that will be with my real life schedule this week.

I anticipate "Owned by a Vampire" and "In the Kaiju Queen's Domain" being fairly easy recording sessions since I'll be using my deeper, calmer vocal register for both and that's less strenuous than doing something higher and more energetic. They are multi-script audios though, so editing them will be more time consuming but I hope it won't be too bad!

The Praying Mantis Girlfriend script is incredibly short--only about six hundred words. That translates to maybe 5-6 minutes of audio, and I'd prefer at least 10, so that's going to need expansion. I'm procrastinating on that out of a weird sense of dread. Not for any particular reason! The script is cute as heck. It's just the way my brain works when there's a task in front of it sometimes. 

(Maybe I'll do a short post about how I expand scripts to show off the before/after so you can see my process? Hmm. I'll think about it.)

As for the Yandere AI? I'd like to do a classic Siri/GLaDOS-type voice, but I don't know if I can pull it off, so I'm a little scared about that too! 〣( ºΔº )〣 Wish me luck!

Not much else on the update front this week, just trying to get back into the swing. When the next few audios are in the can, I may just take it easy for a bit. I do plan on doing a postmortem on the event when it's over, and I'd like to share some extra behind-the-scenes goodies in the meantime, but it all comes down to if I have the energy for it when all is said and done. ^^;

Catch you on the flipside!




So much green it's starting to look like a Forrest, so keep planting those trees. You are rocking it right now.

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Oh, wow! So much already done. You're doing great, Ms. Velvet, I believe in you!