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Happy Monday, everyone! And Happy Monster Girl Mayhem! I'm so excited to finally say that the event I've been planning all during April has launched! It's especially amazing because you all were here for its development, and will continue to see it come together over the next few weeks before we bid it farewell.

With a long event slated, most of this month's planning is going toward managing the upcoming audios and making sure everything goes off without a hitch. Here's how the Monster Girl Mayhem checklist is shaping up:

Quite a switch from the last time I shared it, huh? All the finished audios have also had videos made, which are waiting in the wings to go live on youtube, so that's another task off my list.

Tonight, I'll be editing the Dating a Succubus and Werewolf Roommate audios, and hopefully posting them here within the next 24-48 hours. 

The succubus audio is over an hour long, and has taken several editing sessions already. It also has a dual performance by me in it, which is always more difficult to manage. I'm a bit nervous that when it's done it might be TOO long for Patreon's audio upload feature, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it! If it is too long, I'll figure some other way to give early access patrons the ability to listen to it! With that of course comes writing titles/descriptions/tags.

Next on my agenda is contacting a couple of writers to let them know their respective audios are finished, and giving them the option to hear them early! Hooray.

Once that's done, I'll have just four more audios to record for May! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚Hopefully I'll get those in the can this week (if my schedule doesn't change again lmao) and then...it's smooth sailing for the rest of the month!

Part of me wants to get everything done this week and then sort of enjoy lazing around for the rest of May. It'd be the first long-ish break I've had since launching my channel, and would be quite welcome! Even so, I do hope to spend some of that down time writing posts for Patreon, because I've been brainstorming for tips & tricks stuff in particular even though I haven't had the energy to make them yet.

Looking ahead to June! I have some idea of what I'd like to do once Monster Girl Mayhem is over but I haven't quite locked in on it yet. I started my channel in June last year, so my first anniversary is coming up, and I'm thinking of doing something special to celebrate. 🎉🎂🎉 

I'd like to do a whole month of sequels to previous audios (the ones that already have sequel scripts, anyway!) but nothing so formal or labor intensive as a "proper" event month. More like my regular weekly schedule, but with sequels instead of new one shot audios. :3 I may put it off until July, though. We'll see!

The other possibility is doing something where I try to feature older audios--like a month long retrospective of everything I've done during my first year on youtube. I like the idea, but as I said I haven't settled on anything for sure yet. As June gets closer, I'll probably settle on one or the other.

Okay, this concludes your weekly update post! I'll be back soon with more audios, and more goodies!




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