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Hi! Welcome to this month’s chit-chat and recommendation post, a cozy little space to update each other on what we’ve been doing and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

Spring is finally in full swing where I am! So that’s exciting. That feeling of coming out of winter hibernation with a yawn and stretch is always nice, especially since going out for little jaunts in the sunshine means an end to seasonal depression.

Aside from a brief respite over spring break, my April has been really hectic and exhausting behind the scenes. This of course included planning for Monster Girl Mayhem, but real life has been incredibly busy too. I hope your month was less stressful than mine, because woof, I’m tired. I tried to take some downtime for myself to avoid burnout, but it’s been tough to fit some in!

My list of recommendations is a bit sparse this month, because I haven’t had energy to do much for fun, but I humbly offer what little I have! (As usual, no affiliate links here!)

Best Article I Read: I love all things vintage, kitschy and kooky, and I also love all things futuristic and drenched in midcentury modern optimism, so the Smithsonian’s brief retrospective on the rise and fall of worlds fairs in the US was super interesting! (As a bonus, here’s also one of my favorite lesser known vintage cartoons that portrays a worlds fair!)

Runners Up: The First Easter Eggs Were an Act of Corporate Rebellion, about the history of easter eggs in video games and The Oral History of Wolverine: The Unlikely Hero Who Saved the X-Men, which is just what it says on the tin. I'm not a big MCU fan, and I'm barely a Marvel comics fan (my lifelong allegiance lies with DC!), but Wolverine holds a special place in my heart as one of my earliest favorite Marvel characters, so this was a nice read.  There was also this fun, breezy listicle The 30 Best Diner Scenes in Crime Movies, Ranked. 

Short Fiction: Just two this month, but worth the read, I promise!

The Women – Ray Bradbury (kindle): Your standard love triangle: a woman, the man she loves, and the sinister eldritch blob of sentient ocean flotsam trying to steal him away. A tale as old as time! (No but seriously, I love this story and have since the first time I read it.)

The Chapter Ends – Poul Anderson (project gutenberg): The last humans are leaving earth for greener pastures...except one stubborn old man, who refuses to be relocated. This story really made me feel Some Kind of Way that I can’t quite describe. There’s a bittersweet poignancy to the POV character, an “advanced” human who isn’t from earth, trying to wrap his brain around why anyone would feel a connection to the cradle of human civilization when there are better, more technologically impressive places to go. (That said: the ending felt a bit pasted on but up until that point 😭)

Books: I had no time to read this month, but that didn’t stop me from adding to my frighteningly tall to-read pile! I was in my fantasy feels all month, and my picks reflect that.

Weaveworld: Clive Barker (kindle) – A magical realm woven into a rug has been hidden in plain sight for the last century and guarded by human caretakers...and the last of its caretakers has just died. I like Barker's horror fiction (though he's definitely an acquired taste for some!), and I'm curious to see how his skill translates to fantasy.

Cleaver’s Edge: Actus (kindle) – A LitRPG about an orc who wants nothing more than to be a chef, in a world full of adventurers. Why am I so into Orcs doing domestic stuff lately? I dunno. But I’m here for it! 

The Rule of One: Ashley & Leslie Sanders (kindle) – In an alternate United States where a one-child policy is strictly enforced, a pair of twins trade off living one life to hide their secret. 

Dragonflight: Anne McCaffery (kindle) –  me @ me when the book went on sale: "Okay, FINE, I’ll give in and read Pern." This is probably (?) one of the longest running, most famous classic fantasy series and I've avoided it basically my whole life for no real reason lmao, but I guess I'm finally ready. A magical planet, telepathic dragons who bond with humans, a chosen one, all that jazz.

Game(s): Just one old favorite was in heavy rotation this month: the beautifully designed Darkest Dungeon. I like being able to duck in, do a bit of fighting to blow off some steam, and duck back out again.

Other Neat Things: I stumbled across The Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute recently and I'm obsessed. It's basically a virtual gallery of design ephemera from 1970 onward.

Random Stuff I'm Looking Forward To: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (I know I said I'm not about the MCU, but Sam Raimi makes my little heart go all aflutter!) and The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. I'm waiting to watch them all on streaming because lmao who has time to go to the movies? But I'm excited, either way.

I think that's about it for me this month! What were you all up to? Do anything fun? 



Hello all, hope everyone is well. For my April I've been super busy with work, many people were calling our center to file taxes the last minute to the surprise of no one. One of my highlights for shows recently was the new Marvel Disney Plus show Moon Knight played by the incredible Oscar Isaac. It's such a great series and so different from what they've done previously and it doesn't hurt that I've been enjoying their ongoing Moon Knight comic series by Jed MacKay and illustrated by the incredible Alessandro Cappuccio. I definitely recommend the series if you haven't checked it out. My only negative about the show is that it's a limited series and will only have a total of six episodes which is pretty sad because I wish it had more, but there is a rumor going around that they will bring this character into the films in the future which would be nice to see. At work one of my coworkers that I've been getting to know better was very kind to me and let me borrow her Saga Compendium One by Brian K. Vaughan and illustrated by Fiona Staples, published by Image Comics. It's a series she told me about and she enjoys very much so she let me borrow this big book collecting several volumes of the series. The first few pages were confusing, but I couldn't believe how engrossed I would be in the story and the artwork is very nice as well. The series is very enjoyable, it's like Romeo and Juliet mixed with Star Wars. I was so surprised to learn that this series has been around since 2012 which is crazy to me finding out I was 15 when the comic came out and it's still going on as we speak. I definitely recommend the comic series if you're into sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure, it is Rated M for mature so keep that in mind, but otherwise it's a very enjoyable read and story. I mentioned briefly in last months chit-chat how I was trying to pursue a potential relationship with a coworker/friend, but unfortunately nothing happened, it felt very one sided and it felt like I wanted the relationship more, which is unfortunate since now we work at the same place and not speaking to one another. I would explain things and go into detail, but I know this isn't the place for that and honestly who would care to hear me vent. Anyways for video games I've just been playing Halo Infinite and awaiting for the new season to drop on May 3rd, hopefully the new season and update quit people's complaining about the game for a bit and gives the player base something to look forward to. Oh yeah and before I forget April was a month were I was able to catch up and meet up with some old college friends just to have a good time, people are doing well, couples are getting married, reminiscing about the old day, so yeah great stuff happening on that front. So yeah that's my update for everyone, sorry if it's long and hope everyone has a nice May. Catch you guys later :)

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Lol, alright let’s hope that third time is the charm…😅 Wow, that’s a lot of books. These days I mostly “read” by listening to Audible (just makes it easier to multitask) while at work or commuting. That being said, while I’m not too familiar with Bradbury, I might have to check out The Women, I do love me some Eldritch Horror after all. Overall, April has been better than March, still working a lot of overtime, but my schedule at least has stabilized and that’s allowing me to find my rhythm, kick ass, and save as much money as my bosses are willing to throw at me to work 6 days a week. 😝Mostly just trying to make sure that I have time to spend with my dog (usually hiking) and try to get together with my friends at least once a month to play Pathfinder. Its exhausting sometimes, but I do have a mini vacation coming up so…yay. As far as media entertainment goes, I’m also still spending the few hours I have each week between Darkest Dungeon (I swear that game was made to simultaneously drive me irate and soothe my soul) and (FINALLY) Kingdom Hearts III as my little brother is now threatening me with physical violence if I don’t 😅 (he’s been trying to get me to play a bunch of newer games for years now, but I’m sort of a crusty “set in my ways” gamer and I tend to go back and replay older games so that I feel I’m getting my money’s worth). For reasons unknown to me, I’ve started watching Smallville again for the first time in ten years, not quite as good as I remember, but it really does pick up around Season Three. I’m not really looking at any movies this year, though I do want to see Multiverse of Madness at some point, idk. Anyway, hope the rest of you folks are doing great! Really looking forward to continuing Monster Girl Mayhem and seeing what else is in store! p.s. I’ve tried posting this three times now…if for some reason the other posts are actually there and I just can’t see them somehow, I do apologize. 😅


Moon Knight is definitely on my to-watch list; it looks unique compared to a lot of the MCU's recent output so I'm interested. I'll have to bump it up on my list based on this recommendation! I've only read Vaughan's Runaways and some of his other Marvel work (I liked it okay; not really to my tastes) but I have heard Saga is absolutely beloved. I'm glad you're enjoying it! And I'm glad you got to reconnect with old friends and reminisce! That's always great.


Hey, audio books are totally reading. I've been trying to force myself to make more time to read-read lately (looking at words is kind of important for a writer), but there just aren't enough hours in the day. Sometimes I'll plop a story into a text-to-speech app (my current favorite is Speechify) and fall asleep listening to it because it's the only time I've got to read. Of course the trade off is it takes forever to finish a book because I fall asleep and forget where I left off! If it makes you feel any better, I only got into Bradbury seriously in the last year or so. But I love him. He's quickly climbed the ranks to be one of my top ten short story writers. His prose is so lyrical and his stories are so human and bittersweet. Even the horrifying ones. Speaking of Darkest Dungeon! I finally finished it last night after like a year of procrastinating on actually tackling the last four levels. Felt kind of anticlimactic, tbh. But I'm sure I'll be going back to it on different difficulties because I'm also a "set in my ways" gamer lol. I'm looking forward to Multiverse of Madness myself! If I had time, I'd definitely see it in the theater, but as it is I assume I'll have to pencil it in for 2024. I've heard some criticisms that the directing is *too* Raimi and I'm like...but I want that! Gimme! 😆