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Hi, Patrons! I've been working hard behind the scenes on Monster Girl Mayhem! And I come bearing an exciting (?) update!

With May coming up fast, it's crunch time. Obviously you already know from previous planning posts that I like to stay organized, but now that we're getting to the nitty gritty of putting the pieces together into one cohesive event, I set up a proper audio checklist so I can track my progress on all the things I need to take care of within the next week (!!)

Let's have a look:

Lists and mini-goals: the only thing keeping my brain from collapsing into custard.

I know, that's a lot of red! But don't fret. While I've had an exhausting week full of real life commitments, responsibilities and such, my weekend is mostly free (yay!) I can do a lot in a couple of days, just you wait! 😉 Nothing hacks my brain quite like dangling achievements in front of it. "Psst," a checklist hisses like a shady drug dealer, "Don't you wanna change that X to a checkmark? Huh? Dontcha?" and I fall for it every single time. Like a lab rat in a maze, I am.

Anyway! As you can see, four audios have already been recorded. I don't anticipate many problems with the editing process (fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞) and I plan to have them all completely finished by tomorrow. I hope you're ready for some more extra early access because I intend to post them for Patron Ears Only once they're done! 

I thought about holding them back awhile longer (insert wicked cackle here) but honestly? My aforementioned custard brain works best with a little friendly pressure and a self-imposed deadline. Once I have those four edited, I'll be recording the next batch; maybe I can get those done between April 27-30. Hopefully!

Aside from posting the audios over the next forty-eight hours, I also hope to make a post where I take you all through the description writing and tagging process for them, to help illustrate how I make my youtube descriptions more algorithm and audience friendly! So that'll be the first real "Basic Tips, Tricks and Resources" post, I guess! I hope it's helpful.

All right. That concludes your update for this morning! I have a full day of work ahead of me and a nice pot of coffee to drink. Catch you either tonight or tomorrow morning, folks!





Jake C (that1otherJake)

I hope you enjoy explaining this (exhausting looking 😳) process as much as i love reading about it. Now if you'll excuse me, i need to go do something useful while im still motivated. 😅


Honestly, I am! Explaining the process to people outside my own head is helping to keep me on track. Sometimes I slack a bit on my own planning and then get overwhelmed ^^; but this is keeping me from falling into that.