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Happy Monday, everyone! I'm so sorry the sneak peek post is so late today; I've been running errands all day and taking care of some last minute tax stuff. If it was tax day for you too, I hope filing yours went easier than mine did!

Let's dive into today's (brief) updates! This week's audio will be...

Capturing Your Own Damsel in Distress!

It's F4A, sort of a tomboyish voice, and is based on an original script I wrote! I just finished tidying it up to post and you can see it here if you want a preview of what's on the way! I'll be back with the actual audio tomorrow. Yay.

As for the rest of the week: I'll be spending all my free time recording and editing for May; hopefully a couple of monster girl audios will be done by this weekend and you'll get some EXTRA early early access again! 🎉🎉

Since I've been so preoccupied with planning for May, I haven't yet decided for sure on next week's audio, but I found a new script I like that I'm considering for the final video of April: Asking to Cuddle with Your Yandere Girlfriend! I hope it works out because I love the concept.

All right folks! That's all for tonight! See you tomorrow!





No need to apologize, I'm sure we all understand that you have responsibilities outside of content creation. Also, I've been reading Berserk and the thumbnail really reminds me of princess Charlotte!