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Hi folks! No sneak peek or early access this week, since today's scheduled video was already posted super early. Instead, I come bearing a couple updates and Event Planning Goodies! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 

Item the first! I have the sniffles again. Allergies, I think! Hooray for spring. Ever try recording a gruff, commanding monster girl voice with a stuffy nose? The result is hilarious. I sound like Milhouse Van Houten. Clearly, this is very sexy and will make me the first bazillionaire in the ASMR RP sphere.

Obviously, my latest recording session was a bit of a bust. Boo. But! I'm armed with Claritin and will be trying again later tonight or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow. I've had a long day and I'm pretty tired. (❁◡‿◡)

Second! After some flip-flopping back and forth aesthetically, I've locked in on the "look" for the Monster Girl Mayhem event:

I finally settled on something that recalls Here for the Boos and complements it, without being a total carbon copy. 

Initially my instinct was to do something brighter and more chaotic--one possibility was inspired by a ransom note, another by graffiti--but in the end the alternate designs all proved a bit too bright and chaotic. I understand giving your audience eyeburn is bad, so a more understated design won out in the end.

Here's a peek at one of the intros that didn't make it:

Like I said: it's kind of a lot! I'm getting a headache just looking at it.

Item the third! I spent some time whittling down the script possibilities for the event, preparing and planning vocal choices. So, my schedule for May is basically set (with some wiggle room if I change my mind about a script or two), now I just have to get down to the nitty gritty of recording, editing and all the marketing stuff. Yay!

The finalist scripts are (in no particular order, bold are monsters I've never done):

  • Giantess Saves You
  • Your Werewolf Roommate Tries to Pin You
  • Your Lamia Bestie Discovers You Have a Thing for Lamias
  • Valley Girl Ghost Tries to Scare You
  • Bratty Neko Wants Cuddles
  • Your First (and Last?) Time with Your Praying Mantis Girlfriend
  • Tough Yandere Orc Girl Captures You
  • Demanding Yandere Hellhound Kidnaps You
  • The Full Moon Makes Your Kitsune Bestie Go Yandere for You
  • Dating a Succubus
  • Owned by a Vampire
  • Captured by the Kaiju Queen
  • Your Yandere Ship AI Kidnaps You

I have every intention of eventually recording all the other possibilities that didn't make the finals, but I think this is a good mix of new things and some old standbys that have potential for interesting performances. A couple scripts may get switched out at the last minute--for example, the full moon script blew up in the past couple of weeks, so that one may end up on the cutting room floor due to recent overexposure--but for now this is the plan! I guess we'll see how the dust settles as May gets closer.

All right! To recap my event to-do list:

  • Gather script possibilities - DONE!
  • Contact writers - DONE!
  • Design event intro/outro - (almost) DONE!
  • Post list of script possibilities on Patreon - DONE!
  • Pick script finalists - DONE!
  • Plan vocal choices for each script - DONE!
  • Plan audio schedule - DONE!
  • Design audience participation elements (like the Febru-dere guessing game!)
  • Find appropriate stock
  • Make all thumbnails
  • Hunt down appropriate SFX for all sound cues
  • Edit/expand scripts as needed
  • Record/adlib
  • Edit
  • Make videos
  • Write new keyword rich titles/descriptions for each audio
  • Upload to youtube & properly tag
  • Launch, oversee and promote event!

This concludes your planning update for today! I'll be back soon with the script scheduling breakdown, and maybe even some thumbnail possibilities! Ooooh.

Until next time, Patrons! End Transmission. 🖖
