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Hiya! Welcome to the first session of planning for Monster Girl Mayhem. Before we get into the list of scripts I'm considering, I'm going to show you how I organize my audios behind the scenes because that's part of my planning process and it will have some bearing on how the event shakes out.

This is a peek at my master list of audios I did in 2021. Basically, I use this set-up to keep track of all the RPs I produce, their themes/settings and the vocal choices I've made in each one. One of my main goals for my channel is keeping things fresh for my audience (and myself!), and I try to avoid doing the exact same kind of audios back-to-back; this helps me accomplish that!

You'll notice in October when I did Here for the Boos!, while there are a ton of Monster Girls (MG in the "notes" column) the vocal choices were all over the place and rarely repeat. You'll also note that while a few are yanderes (Yan) there's still room for non-yandere content. That's all intentional. 

During an event with multiple audios a week, I never want my listeners to get bored. I certainly never want to be dragging myself to the mic tired of my own content. I want you excited about coming back to see what surprises I've got in store, and I want to be excited about making stuff for you!

So that's the energy we're going into planning Monster Girl Mayhem with: mixing and matching voices and themes for an interesting event.

Now, with that out of the way, let's get down to business! There will be thirteen audios in May. My very vague plan at the moment:

  • One yandere audio every week (4-5 audios)
  • Low vocal (4 audios)
  • High vocal (4 audios)
  • Medium/tomboy-ish vocal (4 audios)
  • At least half of the audios should be monster girl types I haven't done before
  • At least a couple long-form audios (scripts + their sequels combined into one long audio)

I like to leave some room for improvisation/change, so I'm not 100% married to this. Flexibility is important. (For instance, if another channel does a script I was planning right before I had it slated, I'd like some wiggle room to switch things around.)

With all that in mind, let's get to the fun part: the list of some of the scripts I'm considering! 🎉 (Bold indicates monsters I haven't done before!) I'm trusting you all to keep this list hush-hush 🤫 I'd be devastated if other channels got to these first and threw off all my plans!

One-Shot Scripts

  • Giantess Saves You
  • Your Werewolf Roommate Tries to Pin You
  • Flirty Werewolf Guides You
  • Rescued by the Werewolf You Were Sent to Hunt
  • Your Lamia Bestie Discovers You Have a Thing for Lamias
  • Cute Lamia Coworker Cares For You
  • Valley Girl Ghost Tries to Scare You
  • Bratty Neko Wants Cuddles
  • Your Girlfriend Transforms Into a Cat Girl
  • Your Girlfriend Totally Isn’t a Zombie
  • Vampire Begs for Warmth
  • Raccoon Girl Neighbor Invites You for Dinner!
  • Your Android Wife Comforts You for Depression
  • Reluctant Symbiote Binds to You
  • Your First (and Last?) Time with Your Praying Mantis Girlfriend
  • Waking Your Bear Girl Wife from Hibernation
  • Flirty Kitsune Friend Cuddles You During a Storm
  • Overprotective T-Rex girlfriend Worries About You

One-Shot Yandere Scripts

  • Yandere Alpha Werewolf Girl Makes You Hers
  • Tough Yandere Orc Girl Captures You
  • Seductive Yandere Drider Traps You in Her Web
  • Possessive Yandere Giantess Captures You
  • Demanding Yandere Hellhound Kidnaps You
  • Yandere Angler Mermaid Wants You
  • Lured By a Yandere Mermaid
  • Seduced by a Yandere Vampire
  • The Full Moon Makes Your Kitsune Bestie Go Yandere for You
  • Your Sweet Guardian Angel Turns Yandere Succubus For You!
  • Snowed in With Your Needy Yandere Snow Maiden Wife

Multi-Part Scripts

  • Dating a Succubus
  • At the Mercy of the Monster Under Your Bed
  • Owned by a Vampire
  • Captured by the Kaiju Queen
  • Loving Spider Queen Adopts You
  • Becoming a Dragon Girl’s Treasure

Believe it or not, this is not a complete list! There are a handful of others that I'm waffling on adding to the possibilities. ^^; But for now, I think that's enough. Soon we'll get into the nitty gritty of whittling the list of possibilities down, planning vocals for each, scheduling and making thumbnails!

For now: which scripts interest you the most? :3



I really like the idea of "rescued by the werewolf you were sent to hunt". I can picture a bunch of banter in that


I never thought Monster ASMR would be my tjing because it can be too freaky, but it's actually the unique character and story that make those rps nice. I hope you continue doing these unique scripts and keep adding ad-libs, because they never miss.