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Hello, hello! A new month is here! And so begins looking ahead to April...and hardcore planning for my next big event in May! Buckle up because this will be a long post.

First item of business: I have a gloriously free day today, while the rest of the week will likely be jam packed, so I'm going to buckle down and spend the bulk of it recording. (I'm telling you guys so I'll feel compelled to get off my duff and actually do it. Keeps me accountable!) That means it's time to talk about the scripts I'm considering for April...and then we'll get into talking about May's mystery event.

The scripts and ideas I've been considering and/or working on for April are:

  • Tsundere Squirrel Girl Lets You Stay the Night (F4A, est. 25-ish minutes, tomboyish voice, scheduled for April 6): I spent this past weekend making notes and expanding this cute script (by the writer of my Naughty Imp and Perky, Curious Wolf Girl audios!) to give it a bit more of a character arc and potential romance vibe. What was 1300 words has ballooned to about 2600, so it's a lot beefier than it was before. I think it'll be fun!
  • Yandere MILF Takes You In From the Rain (F4M, est. 25-ish minutes, MILF-y voice obvs): This was a contender for Febru-dere that got cut from the event. One reason it didn't make the roster is because the script has been covered so many times by other folks, and back in February many of those videos were still fresh. But they've had time to rest, and I think a rainy audio is perfect for April!
  • Dominant Space Pirate Recruits You (F4A, length TBD, tough girl voice): Sci-fi audios tend to do badly, but I love the genre so lmfao I'll never learn my lesson. The script is VERY short so it needs a lot of additions. As is, it'd be about five minutes which...is not ideal for a satisfying audio experience. I also have to contact the writer to get permission to make the resulting audio early access, so there's a chance this may not even get made.
  • Your Mad Scientist Wife Clones Herself (F4A, length TBD, voice TBD): I'm writing a script for this, actually! Someone else posted a similar script awhile back, but (thankfully) it didn't hit the beats and tropes I've had in mind. I don't know if I'll have time to finish this in April, though, so...it may also be a no-go.
  • Strict but Caring Professor Talks with You About Your Bad Grades (F4A, 20-ish minutes, voice TBD): I'm in a bit of a pickle with this one, as I'd already expanded the script before launching my Patreon, but the writer hasn't answered my inquiries about early access soo....? 😬
  • Capturing Your Own Damsel in Distress (F4A, 15-ish minutes, voice TBD): Rounding out the possible scripts for this month is one I wrote! (gasp I know) Bit of a role reversal for this one: the listener assumes the role of a fearsome dragon, and the speaker is a helpless damsel. I'll probably (?) post the script for you all this weekend.

Whew! I like to stay flexible behind the scenes, so usually I'll pick out more scripts than I need just in case a couple don't work out for whatever reason, so that's why this list is so long. I also like to keep myself open to new scripts that may be posted during the month, so there may be some surprises down the road if anyone writes a script I simply can't resist.

Anyway! This week's audio will be the Tsundere Squirrel Girl, so here's the sneak peek at the thumbnail for that:

(I love her.)

Next week will probably be the Yandere MILF, or the damsel script. I haven't decided quite yet. As for the rest of the month ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll burn that bridge when I come to it!

Now, for the really exciting part! The Next 🎉 Vanilla Velvet Audio Event 🎉 will be...

Monster Girl Mayhem!

That means a whole month of monster girl audios! I'd love to be able to do an audio every day, but I think I'm still too burnt out to manage that. (Maybe I'll wait for next winter to pull something that outrageous! What do you think of a spooky monster-y event title like "Dead of Winter" or something?💀 ) 

I'm planning on a fairly reasonable Mon-Wed-Fri schedule for May--13 audios total--and I'm going to try and get a lot of stuff done ahead of time. I've gathered a heap of script possibilities, now it's a matter of gradually picking out the ones I'd prefer to do, recording them, editing them, finding thumbnail images for them, etc. etc. etc. Basically I have a lot of work ahead of me if I want everything to turn out as planned, and there's no time to waste. So here's the to-do list for that:

  • Gather script possibilities - DONE!
  • Contact writers
  • Design event intro/outro
  • Design audience participation elements (like the Febru-dere guessing game!) 
  • Post list of script possibilities on Patreon
  • Pick script finalists
  • Plan vocal choices for each script
  • Plan audio schedule
  • Find appropriate stock
  • Make all thumbnails
  • Hunt down appropriate SFX for all sound cues
  • Edit/expand scripts as needed
  • Record/adlib
  • Edit
  • Make videos
  • Write new keyword rich titles/descriptions for each audio
  • Upload to youtube & properly tag
  • Launch, oversee and promote event!

Like I said, I've got my work cut out for me! I feel like taking a nap just looking at this list. ;_; I anticipate May being a bit of a rough month for keeping up with Patreon stuff, because I'm going to be very busy with the event and it's going to suck up all my energy, but I'll do my best not to let you down! (I will also do my best not to run myself into the ground, don't worry.) 

Okay! That concludes your updates and sneak peeks for the week. Tune in next time, when the post won't be quite so unwieldy!





So many wonderful things coming down the pipeline! I wish you the best of luck recording today, Vel.

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Oh my, so many wonderful possibilities. Definitely got my fingers crossed for a couple of them, 😉 but they all sound good overall. You spoil us, Ms. Velvet, make sure you're taking some time for yourself too. 😊