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It’s time for our first monthly patron-only request/suggestion post! Happy April, everybody! No April Fool’s Jokes here, I’m afraid. The one short jokey audio I had planned for today didn’t work out due to time constraints, but oh well! You’ve got a collab with Juniper to look forward to today, so I hope that makes up for it!





None yet! Please post your suggestions/requests for future audios in this thread, and they’ll be added to the list! General themes, archetypes, monster girls, more detailed plots, settings, sequels, whatever! You can add as many as you like. If I get to them every month, they'll be crossed off the master list!



[Listener] catches [girl] microwaving garlic bread at 2 AM. I'd imagine it with plenty of humour and maybe whispering


Moseying along the trail with your bounty hunting best friend. [Western!] [Friends to more?] [She's rootin'] [she's tootin'] [by God, is she shootin'] [most important of all, she's kind] [bonus points for classic Western lines]