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Hi, Patrons! It's time for your sneak peek of what's to come this week!

First, Wednesday's audio will be...drumroll please... Dominant Sadodere Siren Makes Your Hers! Here are the current contenders for the thumbnail because I'm indecisive!

WHICH ONE WILL WIN? I have no idea. Which one do you prefer? Because I really am having a hard time deciding. 

Tune in tomorrow to see which thumbnail will reign supreme when the video comes to Patreon-only early access!

Next Sneak Peek Announcement...my Q&A is finally coming! It's over an hour long and it should be up on March 18. You're the only ones who know it's scheduled, it's gonna be a surprise for everyone else, so shhhh 🤫 I might early upload that here too, it depends on how big the file turns out to be because it's VERY long, holy crap.

Finally, we come to a very exciting development! The Vanilla Velvet Patreon has already reached its first community goal: 15 patrons! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm honestly in shock because I thought it would take longer for that to happen. Thank you all for that! This is the official goal I had in place: 

When I reach 15 patrons, I'll create a monthly patron-exclusive post for all tiers where we can all just chill and update each other about what we're up to, together! Let me know what games you're playing, what anime you're obsessed with right now, the worst movie you've seen recently, whatever you like, and I’ll let you know what I’ve been doing, too! Come, bitch about good/bad/good-bad pop culture with me!

So now we get to do that together! Yay! I'm thinking maybe making the chit-chat/rec post toward the end of the month so we can sort of update each other about our favorite stuff we did all month long. That way there'll be a nice fun community post bookending every month for all tiers.

This concludes your sneak peeks for the week! I've gotta get back to work editing Wednesday's audio. Velvet signing off; keep watching the skies!

-Velvet 💖


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