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Hello, Patrons! It's time for another sneak peek at some upcoming Vanilla Velvet Audio Original Shorts!

I might mess around with a couple of these to mix things up a bit (so many blondes in the lineup so far!) but this is the next big batch of thumbnails.

I've crunched the numbers and I'm now sitting on 34 short scripts/recordings, with a few more still brewing in my brain that might kick the number up to 40. I really do have enough to release three a week over the summer if I want to! I'm still thinking about it, though.

Genre breakdown of the shorts so far:

  • Slice-of-Life: 13

  • Sci-Fi/Superhero: 7

  • Urban Fantasy: 7

  • High(er) Fantasy: 7

There are presently 9 yandere shorts sprinkled throughout. I'm definitely hitting my targets based on the patron-only genre poll! So that makes me happy.

Anyway, I'm going to go edit a few shorts before I gotta go to work tonight. Expect some early access soon-ish! (As well as a new short release on youtube sometime tonight!)

See you soon!




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