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Hellooo, Patrons! It's time for an update. Things have been hectic over here, so there's quite a bit to share!

Weekly Audio

The Bounty Hunter series has been pushed back again, as I feared would happen. I simply couldn't get a collab to materialize.

Instead, this week's early access audio will be: Obsessed Yandere Stops Time for You! Everyone likes getting trapped in pocket dimensions with neurotic stalkers, right?

F4A, sci-fi-ish, 20-25 minutes. It'll be out tomorrow.

Upcoming Event

Monster Girl Mayhem is right around the corner! Just eight days to go! There will be fourteen audios this year; I hope to do a yandere per week, and two multi-script audios during the month. I have my shortlist of scripts all set, and some potential thumbnails in various stages of completion. I really wanted to do a whole event of monster girls I've never done before, but I've done a lot so it's been tough to find enough scripts that fit the bill!

I'll likely settle on a mix of novelties, with a few tried and true crowd pleasers. Some of the monsters on the shortlist:

  • Dog girl

  • Ogre/Orc

  • Goblin

  • Lizard

  • Hellhound

  • Vampire

  • Shapeshifter

  • Alien

  • Zombie

  • Bug

  • Naga/Lamia

  • Frankenstein's Monster

I'm waffling about the schedule, because of course I am. I do know for a fact that every Wednesday will be a yandere script, while the 17th and 31st are reserved for multi-script audios. Beyond that... ¯\(ツ)

Here are a few thumbnail possibilities for the event:

Future Content & Summer Vacation

...is still happening! But preparing for my break properly has increased my workload significantly. I've decided to do two exclusive audios per month in Jun/Jul/Aug to keep the Patreon active. I plan to record those during May and set 'em up to go live over the summer. Horror and high fantasy will be taking a backseat over those months, as our ongoing genre poll shows less interest in those at the moment.

I also spent some time this past week queuing up posts full of goodies like commissions, behind the scenes content, AI concept pin-ups, etc. There are currently 27 posts sitting in the queue, and once I get some commissions back there'll be even more!

Here's some snippets of AI concepts to whet your appetites:

As for what will happen after the break...

While I'll still technically be ~off~, I'm officially bumping Here for the Boos into September this year, so I will be easing back into content creation sometime during August. The Oct/Dec/Feb event schedule is just too tight to manage anymore, and I think a summer reset is the perfect opportunity to make the shift.

If the break goes well and I come back fresh as a daisy, I may consider making it an annual thing? I haven't decided yet. We'll see if anything explodes, I guess!


Just one this time, but I got the Wolf Girl Velvet sketch back! Exciting! You might remember the concept art which was a huge hit last month.

Art by: MachikoTammy

Aaaand...that's it for today's update! I have to go do some editing and crash. I'll see you all tomorrow!





Love the thumb nails can’t wait to hear them