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Her presence wasn’t felt across the gazebo, the garden structure was big enough to support twice as many people inside. Aloe sat close to the maid – who was standing up – yet opposite to the sultanzade. Fatima was surrounded by nobles, one woman at each arm. The relaxed posture with the curved back and open legs resembled more the position a sedentary man would take.

There was a statement to that posture too, Fatima was relaxed and lacking manners, exacerbating her superiority. Whilst Aloe had to sit down with a straight back and the maid had to stand upright, the sultanzade could lay as if it were her bed. Just as if it was prompted by Aloe’s thoughts, Fatima raised her naked feet and put them on top of the table at the center.

Isn’t she cold? It’s chilly out here. It may seem moronic, but rambling in one’s thoughts was a good way to free the pressure given off by other interlocutors.

“What would you like to hear about Sadina, princess Fatima?” Aloe used the same title scheme she had used to refer to sultanzade Khalida.

“Anything works, really.” Fatima looked at her nails, feigning disinterest. Unlike Rani, subtlety was not this sultanzade’s specialty. “Though I have heard something about a plague. Have we not, Hafsa?”

“Indeed, my Liege.” Hafsa, the noble at Fatima’s right, responded. “It would appear it is related to your brother’s disinheritance.”

My liege? Well, here we have a cocksucker. Clitsucker? A person pleaser. Aloe humored herself in her thoughts. A sultanzade with a surname like Fatima wouldn’t have land, meaning she cannot have vassals. Hafsa is certainly with her for personal interest.

“Emir Hassan certainly was lax with his handling of the recent outbreak, and it led to some fatalities all around the emirate,” Aloe explained carefully, mostly pushing shit into Hassan’s name. Rani would appreciate that as per her previous interactions related to her half-brother. She did her best to keep her mother’s memory out of her mind. “We had to enact some policies and quarantines,” You need to glorify Rani more, Aloe, “but that would not have been possible without the foresight of my Emir. Rani was trying to put a stop to the plague far before Has-“

“Rani?” Fatima interjected her with a toothy grin. “It seems you are closer to your emir as you let on, Aloe Ayad.”

Even with one woman at each hand, Fatima could not replicate but a tenth of Rani’s innate charm, so even as the sultanzade highlighted her mistake, Aloe didn’t blush. That would have put her on a lower playing field she might not even recover.

“Rani has ordered me to call her that, with the explicit remark that only the Sultanah Aaliyah-al-Ydaz may change that.” The scribe continued calmly. “That reminds me that I have not asked how you would like to be referred to as, princess Fatima. My apologies.” And ended with a shallow bow.

“The current way is fine.” The sultanzade clarified with deject. “So you are saying that Hassan’s disinheritance is because of this plague?”

“I would not dare to badmouth a sultanzade, no matter if-“

“Of course not,” Fatima added as a matter of fact.

“-he does no longer hold those privileges and title.” Aloe finished unperturbed. “But it has been objective outlook that Hassan’s non-intervention has caused a lot of damage to the emirate. As for if that is the definitive reason to why he was disinherited, I am not the person suited to talk about that.”

“Right, silly me.” The sultanzade admitted her fault with a smile, acknowledging her misstep and giving Aloe a bit more footing in the conversation. “Now, I may not be a diplomat like you, but I can recognize when people want something. So tell me, Aloe Ayad, what do you want from me.”

“I would not be so crude to say I want something from you, princess Fatima.” Gracefully, Aloe took a glass bottle out of her clothes. “But rather, what I can offer you.”

“Scribe of commerce, are you?” Aloe simply smiled at the sultanzade’s words.

Hooked. That was her plan all along. She had not presented her exact role for this reason. There were no lies in her words, for she had not talked. Now Fatima just thought she was dealing with a business-seeking scribe of commerce.

“I will bite,” Fatima removed her legs from the table and fixed her posture. “What is that you are offering me?”

Aloe took a deep breath and channeled her grittiest mask. “An aphrodisiac.”

“An aphrodisiac you say...” The sultanzade puffed and smiled. “I can believe why you think I would be interested in that. But let me ask you another question. Do you think I am stupid enough to drink an unspecified substance from a stranger?”

Aloe held for her dear life to not say: Yes. Sometimes comedy got the better of people, Aloe tried not to be one of those.

“I would not even dare to imply that,” Aloe pushed the yellow bottle forward. “And it is not you who would need it in any case. This is a potent aphrodisiac that will make the tamest of people succumb to carnal desire.”

“And how potent is that? Do not use similes on me.”

“Instant arousal, for starters.” The scribe talked slowly, mostly because she was nervous. “Do not misunderstand my words, though. When I say it is potent, I am being serious. Two spoons may be too much for normal people.”

“I see...” Unexpectedly, Fatima carefully thought about it. Aloe had believed she would either take the offer instantly or refuse it without a second thought. “How about a teaspoon, would that be enough to make someone succumb?”

Got her. “Indeed.”

“Nasira, teaspoon,” Fatima ordered and extended her hand.

Wordlessly, the maid – who Aloe guessed she was Nasira – offered her a teaspoon. With uncanny agility, Fatima reached for the bottle before Aloe could react and dumped a few drops of the contents into the teaspoon. Fearing the worst, Aloe clenched her teeth.

Her fears were quickly dismissed as she was not Fatima’s target, but her own maid. Without doubting or letting a drop fall, Fatima shoved the spoon into Nasira’s mouth.

Nasira’s eyes shot wide open, but she didn’t spit the yellow liquid.

“Now, Nasira be a good girl and swallow it.”

Partially scared, Nasira obeyed and audibly swallowed the aphrodisiac. Not even a few seconds later, the maid’s cheeks began to gain color. At first, it seemed like an illusion from the candid light of the garden’s torches, but as soon as the maid began panting, all those doubts were cleared.

“Nasira, how are you feeling?” Even a simple question felt like a harsh order in Fatima’s mouth.

“It’s sweet, princess,” Nasira said between pants. “And hot~” The maid’s candor was already visible through her eyes.

“Good, good.” Fatima filled another teaspoon with the diluted nectar. “Hafsa, would be you so dear to try it?”

The noble nodded and approached her lips to the spoon, drinking its contents as the sultanzade still grabbed the teaspoon. This time it took slightly more for the effects to show, but nonetheless, in a matter of seconds Hafsa was blushing with desire.

“Oh, my liege~” The noble moaned. “This might be the real deal. This cannot compare to anything I have tried before.”

“I have only been but truthful.” Aloe took the opportunity to speak. “What do you think then, princess Fatima?”

“Hold your camels, Aloe Ayad. I have yet to see it in action.” Before Aloe could ask what she was talking about, Fatima continued. “Hafsa, Nasira, go at it.”

As if they were actual leashed camels who had been set free, the two women jumped at each other in a passionate kiss, wet noises coming from the exchange every time they tried to gasp for air. The maid was pushed down on the table, but that didn’t mean she remained still as she undressed her mistress’ companion with practiced moves, uncovering her chest and promptly caressing it.

This wasn’t like the time Aloe had to wash Rani’s body, there was an underlying desire. Nasira grabbed Hafsa’s breasts and massaged them, alongside pinching her nipples. The rough but careful movements pushed the noble out of the kiss as Hafsa moaned.

Irritated by the maid’s audacity, Hafsa ripped the maid’s outfit open and revealed the woman’s chest. Instead of being passionate and playful like Nasira, the noblewoman was more visceral and bit her teats. What surprised Aloe was the lack of a scream. Noises came out of the maid’s mouth, but they weren’t sounds of pain, but pleasure.

More than a moan, it was a howl.

Not even as she was devoured in more than one sense, Nasira kept pleasing Hafsa, carefully undressing her unlike the savage noble, and revealing Hafsa’s overflowing cunt. The maid shoved two fingers inside instantly, more liquids coming out of the cavity, as Hafsa’s moans filled the place.

“Oh heavens!” Hafsa’s back arched more than it should with her moans. “You slutty servant, you dare only use only your fingers?” The noblewoman pinned Nasira’s hand and stood up, revealing her naked body and wet sex to everyone on the gazebo. Without losing a second, she sat down on the maid’s face. “Come on, suck!”

Nasira didn’t struggle for freedom but rather restarted her caresses with more impetus as she used her tongue to pleasure Hafsa’s vagina.

All of this happening barely a few palms from Aloe’s face.

Oh. Her trail of thought was totally lost. Oh. She didn’t know what to think. Her aphrodisiac wasn’t that effective, so it meant the two women were used to such activities, nonetheless, their eagerness took the scribe out of her game. Oh.

“Well, you can count me pleased, scribe.” Aloe hadn’t even noticed that Fatima had stood up, only once she set her hand on her shoulder. “Here, for the inconvenience.” The sultanzade put a drupnarea on Aloe’s hand. “I am convinced this will more than pay for the aphrodisiac.”

Fatima shook the bottle in front of Aloe’s eyes before she sat down back on her seat to enjoy the show, but Aloe’s mind wasn’t there. The scribe could not care about how the sultanzade had taken one of her bottles or how she had paid with a coin with the value of a thousand drupnars.


Aloe’s mind was in the display of debauchery unfolding right before her eyes for this was the first time she had seen someone in the act. A first time she didn’t even know that existed.



one question. when you were "forced" to label the story with "contains sexual content" did you choose violence and go all in? XD

Epsilon Twilight

Not really... I knew this story was going to have some debauchery, but my intention wasn't to linger on it. But now that I have the freedom to do so... I said fuck it and went for the throat. A fellow writer (and smut enthusiast) has told me I'm very light and conservative overall.