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My heartbeat thrummed in nervousness as we went inside the academy’s female dormitories. Marissa guided me around as she was grabbing my hand. We were covered by the Concealment soul spell and the Silence air spell, basically undetectable by presence and sound. Even if people saw us, they would ignore us.

Even if we were a man and a woman in the female dormitory on the night.

Marissa walked with confidence, this was her dormitory after all, but I couldn’t help myself but feel intimidated. Not the draconid prince, not the Ceaseless Storm, not the Emperor’s Right Hand, and certainly not death, were able to faze me.

Yet I became an enamored maiden the moment I took a step into the female dormitory.

Lady, I was pathetic.

The aeromancer herself was amused by my suffering as she smiled bountifully, her steps bouncing with energetic spring.

“Come on, enter. This is my room.” Marissa whispered even if we were covered by a mantle of magical silence. It did add to the atmosphere though.

I already knew it was her room, I had been before here on multiple occasions, but in none of those had I thought about the room as something special. Now though, I felt as if my heart was going to spill out.

Marissa closed the door, sealing the outside world and trapping us into her room, then she looked at my unstable visage.

“Oh my, how cute you are now.”

“Shut up.” That was the most elaborate response I was able to come up with.

“You are even blushing!” She closed her hands together and squeaked in excitement. “I have never seen you like this.”

Soul mana washed down my body, my visage becoming a stone wall.

“Oh, don’t be like that,” Marissa added, curving her back closer to me. “I told you I like the cute Edrie.”

It was really hard to keep a neutral expression before Marissa’s excited gestures. Seeing her mannerism proved ineffective, she gave up and turned her back to me.

“Well, I guess it’s time to start.” She said.

Before I had time to even ask, my eyes shot wide open as her tunic fell to the ground in a swift movement. It was impossible to look away. Marissa didn’t fall in line with the standard ellari beauty set, but I wasn’t an ellari myself.

Her deep blue skin was gorgeous, something that would offset some as it tended to be color for males. Her back was impeccable, unbothered by imperfections, clearly brought to a pristine level by recent healing spells. I could not forget about her hair and ears.

Regardless of what I said, I was an ellari in body, and those ears were enchanting. Not obscenely long like mine, but of perfect length. Her icy blue long hair, which covered most of her back, contrasted in great harmony with her skin tone. One clear, the other dark.

I tried my best to keep my eyes up, but in less than two seconds, they fell downwards the curvaceous ellari shape.

All ellari women were modest in chest size. Only mothers who had given birth may possess breasts that were equal to the ones in my obscured memories.

Marissa was... more modest in that aspect.

But her curves didn’t lay on her upper body but on the lower one.

Her bottom was covered by a set of elaborate panties with flowery embroidery. Ellari had to make everything overdecorated, underwear wasn’t exempted. Actually, that norm may have been exacerbated for these pieces of cloth.

I could waste all my day exploring the complex patterns of the white silk, but it would seem I was even weaker than I thought as my eyes instantly deviated to the powerful line separating Marissa’s glutes from her thighs.

If my heart didn’t stop the moment she dropped her tunic, it certainly did so now.

Hmm... It has.

Nothing a Regeneration cannot solve. I forgot how weak and unstable my body was just because my soul overpowered so easily.

Where I was? Ah, yes. Deluging myself in the mathematically round ass of Marissa. How did she manage such perfection, I couldn’t know. Was that all the training and sparing she did? She was more in shape than other ellari women, hints of muscles could be seen on her arms and legs.

And talking about legs...

Oh, what legs! I didn’t consider myself much of a ‘promiscuous’ type, but those thighs could awaken passion even in the deadest man.

“-drie, Edrie!” Marissa snapped her fingers as she looked over her shoulder. Then she laughed. “It would seem I have broken your façade.”

I thought she was talking about my blushing expression, so intense I could feel the heat. But then I looked where she was looking, and I took a step backward in shame.

Ellari weren’t especially sexually active, that was the reason for their lack of descendants even if they lived for incredibly long. It wasn’t because of the low levels of fertility, but lack of arousal.

So, I felt shame when I noticed the bulge in my pants. The first boner in my life after thirty-two years. I could feel my manhood pressed strongly against the hard fabric of my leather pants, seeking out the exit.

As I tried to look at Marissa’s eyes, mine moved somewhere else. By now she had turned to look at me, and in suitable female ellari fashion, she didn’t wear a bra. She didn’t need it. But that didn’t make it less exciting as her breasts were in full display. Her already dark blue skin meant that her areolae were basically black.

It was impossible to separate one’s gaze from those two dots.

“I... um.” I didn’t know how to respond.

“You are really, really cute.” Marissa circled her bare arms around my neck, pressing her chest against mine, and whispered to my ears. “You knew what we were going to do, yet you who have lived for much longer than me look far more inexperienced.”

“N-neither of us has any experience,” I replied after a brief hesitation. I was overwhelmed by Marissa’s presence. She didn’t feel like a young ellari, supposedly barely an adult, at all. Her confidence was intoxicating.

“Then there shouldn’t be a problem~” Her seductive words were enough for any man, me included to pin her to the bed, yet I didn’t do so as she acted first.

Marissa began to slowly undo the buttons of the coat of my military uniform. When she was over, the coat dropped to the ground, and she continued with my shirt. Her glacial speed was painful, especially when I had her dark nipples at full display whilst she unbuttoned the cloth.

My thoughts were clouded, at this point, I could only feel the powerful throbs in my crotch.

The moment my shirt fell to the ground, Marissa gave a look at the bulge and put her hand on top of it. She just lay it on top, with no movements whatsoever, yet that was enough to send a current strong enough to my spine to threaten me to lose consciousness.

With her free hand, Marissa coursed a finger around my nipple. Purple, unlike my violet skin. She moved it in circles, then she approached her head to my ears and gently gnawed on them, her warm breath drowning me.

I was at my limit.

“Marissa, I’m going to...”

Abruptly, all her movements came to an end. She dislodged from my ears and looked at me with an unamused expression.

“Don’t you dare.” And with the hand on my crotch, she gripped hard. In another situation, I may have spasmed in pain. But I was currently rock hard, and her grab didn’t even faze me, or at least, not in a painful manner. “If you come before your dick has left your pants, you will regret having reincarnated, Edrie Nightfallen.”

Those words didn’t deter my erection but worsened it.

“Hearing the word ‘dick’ out of your mouth is so hot,” I whispered.

Perhaps that was the last straw, as Marissa grabbed me by the hand and threw me to the bed. She naked woman stood on top of me, on my legs, and with a slow pull, she began removing my pants.

My manhood shot out swiftly, spilling out of my undergarments out of sheer power.

Marissa’s confidence evaporated from her visage as looked at my length. I couldn’t tell if it was big, as I had never seen others to compare it to, but throbbed violently as the deep purple veins gushed with blood.

“Oh.” She mussitated in surprise. “It’s...” Her words died out in her mouth as she moved her hand to caress the lifeful member. The moment her cold hand touched it, it twitched. “Eep!”

I couldn’t help myself but snicker at the cute sound. Marissa had been so domineering during the exchange, but now she seemed so pure and innocent.

She didn’t enjoy my amusement, though, and pulled out in a single swoop my pants and underpants together. I don’t know how she did it, but she also managed to remove my boots and socks. I was left totally naked.

Marissa hopped forward, from my legs to my underbelly. She was mostly naked, only her white panties remaining on her body.

But I wasn’t unable to focus on that.

My mind was distracted by the soft rubbing of the fabric on my dick as Marissa’s mildly moved her hips. My length was trapped between her two firm ass cheeks.

“Ah...” A moan escaped from my mouth.

“Not so cocky now, eh?”

“I’d said I’m plenty ‘cocky’ now.” Marissa groaned and rolled her eyes at my joke.

“I see.” She briefly stood up, separating her body from mine, and guided her hands to her panties. “But what about now?” And she slowly stripped away from them.

I could feel my crotch itch at the erotic display. My mind became foggy with excitement, almost failing to notice the small transparent strand of liquid connecting the fabric and her body. She then threw the panties to the floor.

Marissa stood completely in the nude before me.

Her womanhood was... indescribable. I didn’t have any words for it, I just felt my legs become numb and my manhood become even more erect. Unlike her nipples, which were darker than her skin, her vagina was a lighter blue. Devoid of any pubes as ellari had little to no body hair.

“Our little friend here is so excited.” Marissa caressed the backside of my erection. I found myself gasping. She slumped closer to me and whispered, “But truth is, I’m also excited.” Then she plunged her whole vagina into my cock with a sudden move.

I gritted my teeth hard, gathering every small scrap of strength and willpower I had to not release my load at the first movement.

Marissa, on the other hand, moaned in pain. That’s when I notice what she had done. This was her first time.

“You can’t do that!” I told her. “You need to take it slow at the beginning or you are going to hurt yourself.” It was obviously too late.

“I... I’m fine.” Tears fell from her eyes. “I just need a few seconds.” Our conjoined crotched tainted magenta as trickles of blood poured from her entrance.

“Why did...” I stopped talking after I realized why she had done so.

This was her first time, yes, but she was also ellari. I doubted she had gotten any sexual education from her parents or other sources as sex was a niche thing, poorly practiced in Ferilyn. And even if she was expected to lose her virginity, that wouldn’t be until much, much later. Perhaps around eighty or a hundred years old. Not thirty-three.

I surrounded Marissa in a hug and guided her naked body against mine, letting her rest on my chest.

“Rest as much as you need,” I whispered in her ears. But as I said so, I felt a slight tingle in my crotch. Even if Marissa stayed peacefully still in my embrace, her hips slightly heaved up. Then down. “Marissa...”

“Y-you said to take it slow...” She said with a hint of pain as she looked me directly in the eyes with her light blue ones. “I don’t want to stop. I want to keep going.”

“And we will,” I responded. “You just rest for a bit.

“No.” She moved away from my embrace.

I sighed at her hotheadedness. But at the same time, that’s what I loved about her. I casted Soothing Touch and a few other cantrips to help her alleviate the pain. They wouldn’t heal her, but they would negate all the discomfort.

“Better now?”

“...Yes.” She whispered.

“Then I guess it’s not a problem if I start moving.”


But it was too late as I heaved my hips up. Instead of a moan of pain, now one of pleasure came out of Marissa’s mouth. Unlike her, I wasn’t as savage to penetrate her with one sudden push. Instead, I took things slower. Even if I felt I was going to burst at a moment’s notice.

More moans escaped Marissa’s lips as I descended. The walls of her vagina pressed hard against my hard-on, but slowly, across many repetitions, they became looser. At some point, I stopped gritting my teeth and began gasping. Not outright moaning, but it was certainly hard to keep my breathing straight.

“Edrie~” As Marissa moaned my name, I could feel a shiver down my spine. My dick throbbed with regained vigor.

She slumped once more, our chests colliding, and I leaned for a kiss. Our tongues intertwined, and some ragged breaths were exchanged. I looked at Marissa’s eyes. They were brimming with unadulterated lust. She started moving on her own.

With my mouth occupied, I could no longer grit my teeth to hold my ejaculation back. Marissa seemed to feel this, as her pounding became more and more active.

In a matter of minutes, we went from caring graces to borderline animalistic pushes as we indulged in ecstasy. The muffled moans in our mouths were drowned by the overpowering sound of the flesh clapping together, Marisa’s firm butt against my thighs.

Marissa separated our lips to take a breath, but I couldn’t hold it any longer.

“Marissa,” I said with difficulty, “I’m at my limit.”

“Wait a moment, I’m almost there too!” She added between moans, the grinding of her hips becoming more intense.

I could feel the sanity of my mind leaving me, just hanging out by a hair-thin strand. But then, as I felt the interior of her crevasse shudder, I knew it was the time.

“Edrie!” Marissa sang. “I’m com-“

I didn’t let her finish her words as I finished myself. My balls ached as they poured a downpour inside of Marissa, my consciousness almost going away with the ejaculation.

“Ah!” She moaned in her climax as her own liquids wet my crotch.

Marissa stood up, but her sight was lost, distracted by her passion. I looked at the spot where our bodies joined to see a mixture of pearly white and bright magenta as her blood and my seed poured out of Marissa.

Then she fell to the side.

She landed gracefully on the bed, I couldn't help but worry about her. I began casting Regeneration to soothe both of our bodies, but I stopped mid-cast. Marissa, being familiar with the spell recognized the magic and was confused as I didn’t use it.

“What?” Her face was close to mine, and it was dyed with a delightful and sexy pink. Her breath was rugged, and the air was filled with the scent of sex.

The reason why I had stopped the cast was because I pondered on the nature of the spell if I used it now...

“Won’t Regeneration repair your hymen?” In the end, my intrusive thoughts won out.

“What?” The sluttiness vanished from her expression and it got substituted by bewilderment.

“I mean, Regeneration turns the body back to a prior, healthier state,” I explained. “And I technically broke a part of your body. If it can re-attach severed limbs by accelerating the production of cells, why your hymen?”

Instead of being weirded out by thoughts, a sly grin appeared on Marissa’s visage.

“Accelerate the production of cells, you say~” The seductive tone sent shivers around my body. Especially the crotch. “What about the production of sperm?” Marissa’s smile intensified.

“Oh, well.” I smiled back as I lay a hand on her curvaceous hips. “We can definitely check.”

Magic and sex had a magical synergy of their own.


Epsilon Twilight

This is an extra chapter. I'll post the next one in a few minutes.
