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This is an additional chapter from my story: Alta Chimera. It's also explicit in nature so reader discretion is advised.

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Icasondra separated her lips from Alta’s, the Moonlight fairy heavily panted as the silver bridge between their mouths collapsed.

The sight of the exhausted and small fairy captivated the chimera. Alta didn’t fail to notice the reflection of the three moons in Icasondra’s eyes, the lilac color prevailing above all of them.

She recalled what Icasondra had told her about the Celestial Triumvirate. Lilac was the color of the biggest satellite, the big sister. Also known as the seductress. That title fitted the Moonlight fairy perfectly now.

Alta guided her hand on Icasondra’s cheeks, soft and warm. Her body was no longer affected by the cold touch of Death, instead, she was hot. But a nice type of hot.

The Blossomflame fairy was the one who initiated the next kiss. Their tongues intertwined with passion, Icasondra was as excited as her. Still, with her lips connected, Alta moved her hand to the top of Icasondra’s dress, which prompted a surprised moan from the fairy.

“I... I don’t know if we should do that.” Icasondra said after undoing their kiss.

Alta didn’t respond, instead, she opened the phoenix wings that had been covering her body. She exposed her naked body to the woman before her.

“Um...” The fairy words died in her mouth as she became redder and redder.

The chimera picked Icasondra’s hand and guided it to her breast. Icasondra didn’t add any words, simply reacting with her hands as she grabbed the lumps of flesh. Alta moved closer to her as she toyed with her left breast and whispered behind the fairy’s ear.

“Shouldn’t we~?” Her playful tone awakened something in the timid fairy.

Icasondra threw Alta to the ground, and a grin popped on the chimera’s face. Icasondra opened her mouth again, her lips flirtatious, but instead of going for another kiss, she enclosed them around Alta’s nipple.

“Ah~” The Blossomflame fairy moaned in surprise.

This... this is a sensation, indeed... Alta exhaled as she thought. The moment Icasondra started using her tongue, she could feel her crotch itch. I shouldn’t be the only one to get this feeling...

“Eep!” A cute sound escaped Icasondra’s mouth after Alta suddenly stood up and grabbed her by the arms. She guided the fairy to the ground and painfully slowly, she removed her turquoise dress. “I...” Icasondra whispered as she covered her pert breast with her arms.

The Blossomflame fixated on the lower part of the Moonlight’s body. She wore a simple pair of white undergarments, and somehow, the last piece of clothing made the fairy far sexier than imagining her naked.

That didn’t stop Alta from pulling away the cloth, though.

“Ah!” Icasondra covered her face with her hands in shame as rivers of wetness trickled down her crotch.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Alta comforted her.

Then she dove for the fairy’s crotch. Alta licked the wet contours of the fairy’s vagina in a slow and circular motion.

“Ah~” Unlike the previous shameful moan, this one was coquettish. “Ah, Alta~” Icasondra sang, which only made the chimera only more excited, not satisfied with the outside, she pushed inwards with her tongue. “Ah!” The fairy moaned as her bottoms raised and her back arced for an instant, then dropped heavily on the ground.

Alta grabbed Icasondra’s modest thighs with her arms and spread them to have a better licking position.

“No, please, stop...” The fairy moaned with difficulty, her forearm in front of her arm as she tried to dissimulate the moans. She utterly failed. “Please, I’m going to... Ah...” Her words cut as Alta shifted her tongue and pushed further in with a dexterous and sly movement. “Oh, Moons! Moons! I’m gonna! I’m gonna! I’m coming!”

Icasondra’s body spasmed as her vagina overflowed with sweet nectar, Alta’s visage being drowned in the explosion. The chimera removed herself from the fairy’s opening and with her still shapeshifted long tongue, she licked the ejaculation out of her face.

“Mmm...” Alta moaned. “This could be better than blood.”

The Moonlight fairy didn’t seem to hear her as her chest heaved up and down in exhaustion, her arms and legs limp on the ground, much like her body.

“That... that was the first time I ever came...” She muttered.

“And how was it?” Alta asked with a smile.

Icasondra raised her head from the dirt and became red as the Blossomflame’s mane.

“Em... it was...” She twisted her head to the sight, avoiding direct contact. “...good.”

“I see.” The chimera nodded in understanding. “Should we end here? You have died, after all, this much exercise might not be good for your body.”

As Alta stood up, she was stopped by the lightning-fast grab of the fairy.

“No,” Icasondra responded. Then her blush intensified. “I want to continue, I want...” She continued talking, but her words became lower and lower until they were an unintelligible mess even for the chimera’s heightened hearing senses.

“What?” Alta earnestly asked.

She hadn’t expected the next words that came from the innocent fairy’s mouth.

“I want you to fuck me with your cock!”

Alta stood still in shock. But before she had even noticed, her body had shifted into his true form. A tall male human. How? The chimera thought. Icasondra’s words had been so passionate, so indecent that they outright made him shift his shape unconsciously.

“Um..” Icasondra looked to the side. Alta couldn’t know if it was a reaction to her dirty words or the fact she had a penis in front of her face. And it was erect.

“Oh.” Alta looked at his awakened genitalia and then at the petite fairy. There was a slight problem. “I can make myself of fairy size if you think you cannot take it.”

The fairy grabbed her platinum hair and bit it. Then she responded. Obviously, didn’t get a single word of the Moonlight’s mumbling.


“I said no...” She replied removing her hair from her mouth. “It’s... it’s good with that size.”

Considering his manhood was as thick as the fairy’s forearm, Alta very much saw a problem. But if Icasondra wanted it, he wouldn’t deny her the pleasure.

“I’m going in,” Alta said even if both knew it, yet it felt appropriate to alert his companion.

“Mhmm,” Icasondra muttered with her mouth closed.

The rubbed the tip of his girth against the fairy’s lower lips. A shock traversed Alta’s spine as the damp opening drenched his member. Simultaneously warm and cool. He unconsciously gasped.

Icasondra looked at him with expectation, her eyes sparkling in lustful lilac. Alta vaguely pushed forward, not even the entirety of the tip in. The fairy’s eyes shot wide open, yet they still welcomed him.

Alta went slowly, so as to not hurt the petite fairy. Even then, he doubted he could go faster. Icasondra was incredibly wet, but the walls of her womanhood pressed hard against Alta’s rod.

The fairy’s visage was tainted by a mixture of pain and lust, with hints of fear and expectation. He stopped for a second to let her recover, but Icasondra would have none of it and slightly pushed her butt forward, making him go deeper into her.

“Don’t stop,” she spoke between rugged breaths, “you can go faster.”

With the spoken Moonlight’s words, the chimera could feel as if all his neurons activated at the same time. He did a massive push.

“Aaaah!” Icasondra screamed in genuine pain.

“I can...” Alta tried to argue, but Icasondra promptly interjected.

“Don’t. Stop.” She said as tears fell down her eyes.

Alta couldn’t understand the fairy, she was the one suffering, yet she wanted to continue. He took a deep breath and continued.

There wasn’t much more space to penetrate. He hadn’t even managed to put his whole cock on Icasondra’s cunt until he found the end of it. The little fairy couldn’t take the entirety of a human’s dick, especially one as large as Alta’s.

The fairy herself closed her eyes and mumbled with her mouth closed as she bit her lips. Alta looked down to see the dripping blood of the torn hymen.

Icasondra had been deflowered.

She almost seemed to faint as her body became limp, Alta was quick with his hands and grabbed her by the back before she could hurt herself.

“Are you okay?” He asked worried.

“Yes...” She added with exhaustion, then she opened her eyes. They were vaguely bloodshot and teary, but above all else, they shone in passion. “I’m... fine.”

“Maybe we should stop...” But as before, the chimera’s suggestions angered the fairy, now she locked his torso by embracing it with her legs.

“No.” It was a statement. Icasondra looked Alta directly in the eyes and then kissed him. Both of the fairy’s mouths were comfortably warm. “Alta.”


“I want you to fuck me.” She spoke with that exciting indecent tone again. “I want you to pound me hard!”

Before she had even finished talking, Alta was already swaying his hips. The courage of the fairy instantly disappeared as he penetrated her once more, his cock violently rubbing against her vaginal walls. The confidence in Icasondra’s eyes was dyed with pain, but no longer fear. Only pure and unadulterated expectation.

Alta buckled his hips once more, this time harder.

“Mmm~” The moans escaped the fairy’s sealed mouth, her back arcing in a fusion of pain and ecstasy.

The chimera opened the Moonlight’s lips by force by connecting them with his. Alta’s tongue infiltrated Icasondra’s mouth and played with her tongue. The fairy’s eyes were gaining a playful look.

Then he pushed once more.

“Ooh~~” The jolt surprised Icasondra, making her undo the kiss and a powerful moan escaped her. “Alta, stop. I’m going to...”

He recognized the lack of sincerity in those words. Icasondra didn’t want him to stop, no. In any case, she wanted him to be rougher. Alta continued pounding her, the fairy’s round ass bumping into the man’s thighs.

“I-I!” She screamed incoherently.

An instant later, she slumped into his body as she came.

The fairy’s modest breasts grazed against the man’s chest. Icasondra breathed heavily but with satisfied exhaustion.

“Oh, moons...” Icasondra muttered as she lay on top of him. “It has been certainly an experience.”

“Has? You are wrong.” Alta whispered.

“What? What do you mean?”

“Icasondra, I haven’t come yet.”

The fairy separated from his chest, her eyes opening like plates as she heard the man’s words. “Alta, wait! I’ve just come!”

Alta didn’t wait.


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