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- Event for Ogre on map2 and videos for symbiotic ability

- Symbiotic video for 2headed monster on map2

- Spider monster map1 now attacks monster baby

- Troll reacts to baby attacks and Ogre will instantly kill it

With next update npcs will be added on map1. Some of them will have videos. Others will get those later. With one special event on map1 she will get new ability. She must have regen ability for that.


1.35 GB file on MEGA



Another bug is with troll enemy hes video triggers when you are critically low on health so he will often bring your health under 0 which triggers death right after your video finishes playing. That happens with other enemies as well like spider he will hit you sometimes even if in submissive position so at the start when you don't have a lot of health 1 hit can kill you and you enter rape video and after that you die because health is under 0.


Hi bro, when is the update?