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- 4 new videos added. Giving birth to monster baby, 2 videos for troll with symbiotic ability, 1 video for dog when offering baby  

- With regen ability health restores twice as fast

- Changed her bodyshape a little bit. When her power level is above 100

- When she gives birth she loses lot of energy. Better get pregnant while on "high" energy!

- Extra scene with dogs. A text promt shows while holding a baby near it.

- When she offers normal babies to dogs, 4 times. She becomes bad mommy and changes her stance to new babies. You can see stances from character screen (button C). Currently missing breastfeeding scene for that. Will be added later. By offering monster babies to dogs, she will not become bad mommy.

- She can get LV 1, 2 and 3 key from corresponding feedingplaces. Feeding 8 times for LV1. For lv2/lv3 5 times at power level 101 and above.

- She can become pregnant from troll(first enemy on map2). Only if not symbiotic! 

- Monster baby can attack enemies. When going near to an enemy and drop it. It will attack automatically. You can pick her up while fighting too. When enemy is KO, it will return to her mother. It gets more powerful the higher mothers power level is. She will regain health over time while mother holds her in arms.

- Currently only dogs AI is adjusted to mosnter baby others will be done with later udates

- Players power level gain from dogs and spiders is limited

- increased horny rate for Troll and Ogre

- Indicator how much "Power elixir" she got from monster sperm after scene. On character screen right bottom corner. At certain power level she will not get anymore strengh from weaker enemies, only energy

- She should not die anymore after scene with dog and spider(when horny and defeats player), when Regen skill is acquired

- fixed bug where giving birth video loops endlessly

- Regen ability increases her hunger now

- Black screen bug after troll/ogre/2Headed monster is fixed

- Nest safe bug when baby starved to death


1.33 GB file on MEGA



2. After the MC had the monster baby, i'm unable to save


if taking the monster baby up while standing you randoml jump around and fall


Do not pick her up from too close. It can rocket her through walls.