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A recent request. I'm sure you'll love her, she's compatible with vanilla textures, as always remember the HS2 Head mod requirements:


Bepis Plugins for HS2

Resource Redirector 



Material Editor for HS2

Overlay Mod for HS2

BonesFramework for HS2

HeadBundleRedirect for HS2



Mark D

I am asking you since i notice it with your cards the most. There is no way around the sharp contrast with the color where the neck meets the head. Is this a drawback from 'head mods" they never quite line up with body? If I can learn a fix I can fix my cards. Some aren't so bad but when you start making renders it gets annoying obvious. Please help me.


Honestly I don't know why the seam is visible, I always line up perfectly the head mods, and there's no seam on my 3D editor, but when I move the files to HS2 and test, the seam is always present, I've noticed it depends too much on the lightning u use, If u use HDRI there are some that increase a lot the seam, and some others that make it less visible.