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Hello, my beautiful Patrons. 

I know it's considered TACKY to ask for LIKES and COMMENTS on posts, but hear me out -- this is more than just about vanity! LOL! 

Your comments and likes are my fuel! 

As an artist, it's very motivating to hear from your Patrons. It feels amazing when they tell you they like something, or a particular aspect of something. It further motivates me to want to create, and to FEEL creative. Seeing likes on a post is also tremendously beneficial in this way. 

Comments and likes help me understand what people like and don't like, and if the art I'm offering is going in the right direction. I love creating things that people enjoy. It's not about pandering, but it's great fun for everyone when Patrons appreciate what I make!  

Some people have said they worry that answering comments takes too much of my time. Listen, I love answering comments. As long as you don't mind being patient, I'm more than happy to get to them as soon as time permits.  For me, it's a really fun way to communicate with you, and everyone can enjoy the process (unlike DMs which don't benefit everyone).  

So yeah... forgive me for being tacky! LOL! But please, if you like a post or a particular comic page or piece of art, don't be shy: Leave your comments and likes! I'm ALWAYS so happy and so grateful to hear from you! 

Thanks everyone! You're the very best!
Much love to you all. Patrick XOXO


Louis LaSalle

Add my voice to the "love everything" camp. But since that's not very helpful, in no particular order... ethnic diversity, moderate chest hair, treasure trails, precum, facials, uncut cocks, cocks with prominent glans, nipple play... But mostly, just keep giving us all this great stuff!


Uh well, I’ve had this question for weeks and didn’t want to distract but hopefully this’ll be some great artistic inspiration haha… How does Devilhound poop? Is that why he’s so emotional??


Awwww -- you're so sweet, my dear friend. Thank you, Louis! 🥰🥰 I love that you enjoy the stuff I serve up! Know that I fully plan to keep drawing up the goods for you guys for as loooooong as I'm able to, and with any luck, that will be a very long time indeed! HA HA HA! Tons of love and appreciation to you, my friend. SMOOCHES! XOXOX 😍💖😘💖


BAH HA HA HA!!!! I LOVE comments/questions like these, Bryce! 🤣💖🤣 NEVER hesitate to comment or to ask questions about any of what I draw or write. I mean, it could be why Devilhound is so grouchy... Not being able to poop, like, EVER would have that effect on most people, I think! LOL! But I've always figured that because his tail is mystical in nature, and because it's altered his entire body and system, it's probably magically eliminated the need for him to poop altogether. I mean, it seems like a fair trade-off since it's eternally wedged up his can! LMAO! Maybe someday I'll address this in the comics. I think it would make for a very funny scene! I LOVED your QUESTION!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share it with me and everyone here! HA HA HA! Much love to you!! SMOOCHES! XOXOX 💩😂🤣😆💖