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Good morning, my beautiful Patrons!

I just want to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has recently pledged my Patreon Campaign, and to everyone who’s supported me throughout the years. You lovely people are the VERY BEST!

Many of you know that Class Comics is currently (and hopefully TEMPORARILY) closed. After more than 15 years of doing business with our credit card processor without any incident, we were dropped rather unceremoniously on January 1, 2024. 

The Canadian Banking rules for adult merchants have recently changed, and this has significantly influenced how processors perceive us. Most Canadian-based processors no longer want to work with adult companies of any kind, even the “high-risk” processors. 

It's frustrating that even though we follow Obscenity Laws in Canada, private companies can still make decisions based on their own judgements. 

So for the past three weeks, Class Comics has made NO MONEY! That means that our primary way of making a living, and keeping Class running, is not currently viable. Patreon (and Gumroad to a MUCH smaller extent) are our ONLY SOURCES OF INCOME at the moment. Needless to say, I’m DEEPLY GRATEFUL to you all, because you’re literally keeping Fraser and me off the streets!  

Fraser and I are DETERMINED to find a solution to this and obtain a new credit card processor. We have contacted a number of companies. Some have turned us down completely. Others we’re still waiting to hear back from. It’s an ongoing, nerve-racking process, and it’s taking much longer than expected. 

We’ve had a few kind readers suggest that we accept Paypal, Venmo, Stripe, Square etc… Unfortunately, all of these services prohibit adult content. We used to have accounts with them, but were eventually terminated.

Fear not! We fully plan to continue creating high-quality erotic gay comics for a long time to come. This will only be a temporary interruption!  I will update you when we have more news! 

Meanwhile, I'm still drawing comics and art for my Patreon, and I have some amazing things planned for you. Those of you who’ve been following me for a while know that I DELIVER and I do NOT slouch! Every month is CHOCK-A-BLOCK FULL of hot male art, and this difficult situation hasn’t (thankfully) dampened my creativity.  

Again, HUGE THANKS for your continued support and kindness. It’s so heartwarming and greatly appreciated, my friends.

So yeah… I’ll keep you posted. More from me very shortly! 

With much love...

Patrick XOXOX 



Dan Carver

Its also ridiculous because I used paypal to pay someone on ebay for some of CC old tpbs, because your shop was closed! Id rather that money went directly to you, though I am happy for the books. Maybe start an Ebay shop in the meantime?


hope you will have a fine solution for you soon, please let us know if you need anything!


Hello, Dan! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, suggestions, and comments. Actually, Fraser and I are currently reworking/redesigning the ENTIRE Class Comics website in a way that should appease the banks. All preview shots are blurred in a way that they can be viewed by all adults of legal age entering the site. We haven't been told that this will make a difference, but based on our conversations with these people, we feel strongly that it may help. At any rate, the Class website was due for a facelift and updating, so it's not work in vain, but hopefully, this new direction will appease some of the detractors. Paypal and similar services can be frustrating because they don't seem to follow their own rules. So they will accept some vendors while denying others, despite the fact that they all sell adult material. It's a true case of double standards. It's super frustrating because it sees your hopes get dashed OFTEN! Ah , well. We WILL BE BACK, you can count on that, and we'll get back to doing what we do best -- MAKING GORGEOUS, SEXY COMICS! Again, thanks so much for the love and support. It means a great deal. 🤗😊😘❤️🥰


Thanks so much, dear Chris. You're very kind. We'll absolutely keep everyone informed and posted. I really believe we will solve this... I just hope it's sooner rather than later. Much love to you! XOXOX 💖😍😘❤️