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Full disclosure!! I did NOT change a single detail about the meat and potatoes... except, of course, that I enlarged them SLIGHTLY so that they might fit in with the Class Comics Universe size standards! LOL! But otherwise, I literally studied every curve and vein to get things to be as accurate to real life as possible. PHOTOS were taken (but will NOT be shared! LOL)!

And, while I'm sadly not as muscular as this, I HAD to make sure this PATRICK was a match for all of his Class Comics creations! 

Uhm... I guess now, it's time to get excited...! O.O

ARTWORK: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Patrick Fillion

PATRICK is © Copyright & ™  2022 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




"Photos were taken( but will not be shared" Aww come on, we just want to learn more about your artistic process. Yeah, thats it.

Conor Young

Hoooooo BOY!! Even soft, that is some mighty tasty looking meat you've got there, Patrick!! I can't decide which is driving me more wild, those bulging veins or that silky foreskin hiding the tasty treasure of your fat, juicy plum! Even with a "slight" alteration, as you put it, you've certainly been blessed!


Heh! Heh! You promised you wouldn't go easy on me, dear Conor, and you really haven't... and I've LOVED it all and how candid your comments have been! 😅😳😍💖 I am SUPER FLATTERED and SO THRILLED you enjoyed my take on "Patrick as a Homoclix"! I guess some people were curious whether I was cut or uncut, and now there's no going back... the truth is outta the bag, so to speak! I'm so pleased you enjoyed my depictions... and really brought so much happiness to my black little heart when I read your comments! HA HA HA! Much love and thanks, Conor. Great Big Hugz + kisses to you!! XOXOX 💖😍💖😍💖😍