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And as promised, here is FELIX on his HOMOCLIX digital action figure base, along with his CUTOUTS and BIO CARD! 

There are more FELIX variants available EXCLUSIVELY in this month's PF PATREON PORTFOLIO MAGAZINE and HIGH-RES REWARDS!

And STILL... there's LOADS more art to come this month, so be sure to STAY TOONED! 

ILLUSTRATIONS: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

FELIX HIMNER is © Copyright & ™ 2023 PATRICK FILLION / CLASS COMICS INC. All rights reserved.



Andrew Brown

I started to think about the other main Class Comics characters that could do a costume swap. Apart from the two Naked Justices, the only other main characters I could think of were: Ghostboy and Golden Boy.


OOOOH -- THAT could be TONS OF FUN! Tyler has all that yummy blond body hair -- and a blond Ghostboy would be so cool! He'd look pretty amazing in Peter's costume! And Peter would look HOT AS HELL in Golden Boy's jacket and... sorta... in his pants! HA HA HA! I might have to give that a try at some point. Also, they both have the same initials for their superhero names -- GB -- which I've always thought was fun! LOL! 😆😅😍💖COOL suggestion, my dear Andrew! I love it!! XOXOX

Andrew Brown

Glad you think so. I struggled to think of anyone else as many of the characters don't have any costumes at all!


LOL! YUP -- I can see how that might have been challenging! While Bullet has a really nice costume, I doubt anyone else could fit in it... though I suppose Diablo's white leather costume could look HOT on Peter, and Peter's Ghostboy costume could also look really sexy on Diablo! But yeah... most of my guys are naked all the time. Cosumes are a RARE commodity int he CC Universe! HA HA HA!!!