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Hello, my beautiful Patrons!

While I work on more of this month's new artwork, I thought I'd post a BUZZFLASH on the upcoming JACKO'S HORNY HALLOWEEN TALES #3! This new issue will be available from Class Comics by the end of this month, just in time for HALLOWEEN in DIGITAL formats!

This is probably the most WICKED issue of the Halloween-themed series to date and features a MASSIVE 40 PAGES of all-new cum-drenched comic pages for you to enjoy! All the stories were written by me, and the book features four artists, including myself! I'm joined by ALEXANDER, DAVID CANTERO, and TOM CRAY! Each brings their A-GAME to this fantastic volume! 

This issue features a very special 13-PAGE  "MY BOYFRIEND IS A SUPERHERO" story called "THE ISLAND OF DR MARTEAU"! It's EXQUISITELY illustrated by ALEXANDER and takes you on a WILD adventure just before it's time to trick or treat! And did you think you'd be getting another MBIAS story so soon after the release of issue #4? HA HA HA! SURPRISE! XD

The wonderful DAVID CANTERO illustrates all of JACKO THE HALLOWEENER'S story introductions, which make up a raunchy little story in themselves. And the fabulous TOM CRAY draws VAMPIRE VELVET in a tale I could only title "VICIOUS"! 

"FANGS" and "RAVENOUS HALLOWEEN CRAVING", which are both illustrated by me, are also included in this fantaboolous volume! This issue of JACKO'S HORNY HALLOWEEN TALES is HUGE! It will be available in a standard digital edition as well as a MASSIVE DELUXE digital edition -- the "Faux Cover-inspired" cover of the Deluxe version is pictured above! 

You know that Class Comics ALWAYS goes all out for Halloween. I absolutely cannot wait for this issue to be available. It's the third in the series, and every new volume is a raunchier than the last and a hilarious and perfect way to celebrate the season!

I'm expecting JACKO'S HORNY HALLOWEEN TALES #3 to drop within the next couple of weeks, and of course, I'll keep you posted.

QUESTION(s): Are YOU looking forward to this new issue? Do you enjoy JACKO'S HORNY HALLOWEEN TALES? Leave your comments and impressions below -- I ALWAYS wanna hear from you! 

Enjoy the BUZZFLASH, guys... and remember to STAY TOONED! Next it's back to MY ART! I have a ton of fun new stuff planned for you -- Enjoy the rest of your weekend - and HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING!

Patrick XOXOX :D <3

ILLUSTRATIONS: Patrick Fillion, Alexander, Tom Cray and David Cantero. 

ALL CHARACTERS are © Copyright & ™ 2023 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Jocko Ak-shan

Awesome! I can't wait to read it! 😈😈😈😈😈


Thanks, Jocko. It won't be too long, now. Just a few more days and it will be officially released. XOXO 💖🤗💖