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Well... FELIX is out of HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! All he can do now to impress JACKO is wear his BIRTHDAY SUIT! Think it will work?

JACKO meets FELIX in: RAVENOUS HALLOWEEN CRAVING PAGE 04! This is the page fully lettered, and it's part of SUMMERWEEN!

Jacko's been patient long enough -- and so have you -- PAGE 04 is coming up and Jacko FINALLY gets his hands on FELIX's ass! STY TOONED!!!!

Artwork by Patrick Fillion.

Colors by Cabrera and Fillion.

Felix Himner, Naked Justice 1, Jacko the Halloweener © COPYRIGHT & ™ 2023, Patrick Fillion. All rights reserved.



Conor Young

Mmmmm, my favourite costume so far! I couldn't agree more with Jacko on this one, if I had my way, Felix would never wear a stitch of clothing again for the rest of his days!


HA HA HA! I'm right there with you, dear Conor! And so it looks like Jacko -- and WE -- will be getting what we he/we wanted all along. Felix buck naked and ready for the taking... and BOY, OH BOY, does the taking EVER BEGIN on the next page! LOL! Won't be long, now! SMOOCHES to ya!! XOXOXOX 😆😍😘❤️🤗


Wowza! Jacko looks ravenous for that meat, hopefully, he gets his hands (and vines) on Felix and soon before Halloween is over!


Oh, I think Jacko DEFINITELY IS ravenous for Felix and his meat. Luckily, he (starts) to get his hands and vines on him on PAGE 05! Won't be long, now! LOL! XOXOX 😆😈😇🥰


Good! (For Jacko that is lol) Felix is way too hot to be parading around like that, Jacko has him right where he wants him!!


He sure does -- as we're about to see once I post PAGE 5... which is about to happen! LOL! 🤣🤣😘😘