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Hello, my beautiful Patrons!

It's time for JACKO meets FELIX in: RAVENOUS HALLOWEEN CRAVING PAGE 03! This is the page in full color, and it's part of SUMMERWEEN

So this page and the up-coming page 04 are meant to be variants of page 02. And after Page 04, I can't guarantee that Jacko will be able to keep his mitts off of Felix's bootie! BAH HA HA HA!

PAGE 04, which is a fun variant of this one, will drop shortly! STAY TOONED!!

Artwork by Patrick Fillion.

Colors by Cabrera and Fillion.

Felix Himner, Naked Justice 1, Jacko the Halloweener © COPYRIGHT & ™ 2023, Patrick Fillion. All rights reserved.



Jocko Ak-shan

Ooof! A little Deimos color to Felix's skin, hmm, Patrick? So hot!!! 😈😈😈🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Heh! Heh! I'm glad you enjoyed his body paint, my dear Jocko! It was a fun visual thing to try, and it makes for a fun variant, I think! SMOOCHES!! XOXO 😅💖😘