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Hello, my beautiful Patrons!

Since you all seemed to enjoy the last few editions of BUZZFLASH, I thought I'd prepare another one this month to coincide with the release of THE LEGACY #4!

The Legacy #4 is a 14-page story with an incredible bonus gallery! Written by yours truly and lovingly illustrated by TOM CRAY (Ganymede Sicard, Jox: Treasure Hunter), the LEGACY #4 is filled with twists and turns, shocking reveals and dramatic moments! It's available exclusively as a Digital Edition from Class Comics.

You can see from the gorgeous samples above that BYRON and FELIX get down early on in this issue, but their fun is short-lived because EMIL resurfaces with warnings of impending doom! I feel it's a pretty solid and drool-worthy issue! I hope you'll enjoy these samples and I hope you'll enjoy the issue, too!


ENJOY, everyone... and tomorrow, it's back to MY ART with a new DIGITAL COLLECTOR'S CARD!! STAY TOONED!

Patrick XOXOX :D <3

PS -- I guess "BUZZFLASH" is what I'm calling these little posts about the comics I write but don't personally draw. Since I take my writing very seriously and want to keep you informed about all my various projects, I figure this is a fun and different way to do that. If you have any questions, don't be shy - leave 'em in the comments section. SMOOCHES, guys!

PPS -- If you're interested in seeing more of TOM CRAY's superb artwork, you can find his Patreon page here!  


SPACE CADET, FELIX HIMNER, NAKED JUSTICE 1, BRAINBENDER, TRIP, SIZE KING, GLOW WORM, EMIL DURAND, AND ALL OTHER CHARACTERS are © Copyright & ™ 2023 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



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