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Here's the final page of this month's all-new MINI-COMIC "MILK" PAGE 04 starring LOCUS, fully lettered for your reading pleasure!

Is this how you expected the story to end? With LOCUS plugged into a fancy coffee maker? BAH HA HA HA! XD

Please let me know how you enjoyed "MILK" in the comments below. Comments MAKE ME SO HAPPY!! :D 

And remember, there's still a lot more to come this month, so STAY TOONED!!


COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

LOCUS, AEON, KLINKT, and all other characters are © Copyright & 2023 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




Definitely did not expect the curveball of locus’ bug batter being a minty cream for coffee but I loved the mini comic all the same! Love love LOVE locus in everything so this was amazing!💚💚💚


HA HA HA!! Thanks so much, my dear Cody! I love that after all this time, I can still surprise you with story direction every so often! 😆😅 I absolutely LOVE how much you adore Locus, and I was so happy I could create a comic that featured him this month. I'm truly so happy you enjoyed it!! Much love and a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to you for all the very sweet and kind words! SMOOCHES! XOXOX 🥰😍😘💚🥒

Dan Holmes

This is AMAZING!!! Thank you Patrick and the plot twist at the end...LOVELY!!! Now I need some coffee


HA HA HA! And I know where you can get a yummy, minty cup, my dear Dan! LOL! Soooooo happy you enjoyed the story. SMOOCHES to ya! Thanks again so much!! XOXOX 😘💚☕️🥒😆


That was a lovely little story that I enjoyed very much, thanks Patrick! It was really nice to see Locus in all his glory in many amazing panels in different poses again, especially him posing like that on this page is a blast to see. It was also really nice to see him in the very big, but firm and sexy hands of Aeon, and that strange (half)rape situation, with Locus definitely being used against his will, while he`s still hard as a rock and even gets a lovely kiss after hiss climax gets my juices flowing. Oh and look, there`s a sektan in the background wanting some coffee with cream as well, as it seems ^^Great work Patrick, Locus AND Aeon were a blast to see!


I am SO PLEASED you enjoyed seeing so much of LOCUS this month, my dear Arkid43! This little comic certainly was a lot of fun to write and draw. Honestly, whenever I get to play with Locus is a ton of fun, and I really enjoyed creating Aeon for this as well. We'll be seeing that big brute again soon, you'll see. I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and I appreciate that you saw many different aspects of the characters' interactions. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Aeon using and appreciating Locus. The small kiss was my way of showing that Aeon may not have meant any harm, even though his actions were questionable. LOL! Thanks for the love and AWESOME comments! Tons of love to you!! XOXOX 😊🤗😍😘💖


I LOVED IT! Looking to see more stunning panels to come!


YAY!!! I'm so glad. I'll have more comic pages for you to enjoy very soon! XOXOX 😍😊🤗❤️


Okay let me practice my puns..... I think they ordered the extra creamy FAPacinno from starFUCKS.


Ugh so hot! Love the twist on this comic, hope to see more comic pages soon with more of your heroes in sexy peril as you do so well!!


Heh! Heh! Thanks so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed the twist! It's silly, but I think it adds a "new" sort of dimension to this kind of story! I'll be sure to have more "heroes in Peril" comics for you to enjoy, soon! XOXOX 😆😘❤️😊


I'm interested to know how he eventually escapes :o


Where do I get a venti of that?! 🤤🤤


At the moment, the only place is the Bashtuul space station... but Mr. Klinkt is HOPING to EXPAND his business to Earth! 🤣🤣🤣