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And finally, here's this month's all-new MINI-COMIC! "MILK" PAGE 02 starring LOCUS, fully lettered for your reading pleasure!

It seems that LOCUS' discomfort and ebarrassement are mounting! 

Enjoy, my beautiful Patrons! PAGE 03 will be dropping very soon, so STAY TOONED!


COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

LOCUS, AEON, KLINKT, and all other characters are © Copyright & 2023 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




Oooh fascinating!!! I didn’t realize he had to keep bleaching them. I love that little detail, and also having them back for a bit! The line, ‘this would be way hotter if I was properly manscaped,’ is so hilarious!! Like who of us hasn’t called emergency services and then been like “$#!¥!!! I should have changed into something sexier.” 🙈🙈🙈 Granted, I don’t think these men are there to save him… unless they are there to rescue him from horny? 😝😈😜 AND that titty window look… what a KILLER!!! Did you ever go through fashion school? Because your designs are PHENOMENAL, and have been for years!! The looks you’ve put together, brilliantly showcase the male form in a way you just don’t see enough of these days. Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL work Patrick!!!!! p.s. Locus’s expressions are fabulous in every one of these panels!!! I can’t wait for the larger versions!


We are all up to the task! 😜😍


So the green machine blushes red!


I'm so happy you enjoyed this page so much, dear JT -- that's AWESOME!! No fashion school for me, just a lot of looking at slutty male fashion trends and reflecting on how I can expose my boys while still dressing them up, at the same time! LOL! Meanwhile, Locus is SUPER VAIN! He knows how hot he is, but he's also a touch insecure, oddly enough. He's ALWAYS HATED his "fucking spots" and resorts to bleaching them as often as he can. But you know, depending on what he's up to, sometimes, he's too busy to properly manscape when he'd like to. HA HA HA! Also, thanks for the very kind words regarding Locus' expressions. Because he doesn't have a typical "human" face, I do my best to make him as expressive as I can... I think hat's even more evident on page 3, which I've just posted. LOL! Anyhow, THANK YOU AGAIN and SMOCOHES to ya! XOXOX 😍🥰😘😍🥰😘