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Hello again, my beautiful Patrons.

As promised, it's time to post my full-color cover artwork for an up-coming trade paperback book project I'm working on called "AFTERGLOW"!

"AFTERGLOW" will be released later this Summer, and it's a TRADE PAPERBACK collection of a TON of my mini-comics. It will feature almost all the minis I've shared here on Patreon, including "MINI HOOK-UPS", "DONGS IN THONGS", "HEROES IN PERIL", "FANGS", and "HOME ALONE", to name just a few. When all is said and done, this will be a near 100-page collection of what I think are some of my HOTTEST comic pages to date.

Of course, I will keep you posted on the book's release, but in the meantime, I do hope you'll enjoy the cover. Lemme tell you this took HOURS to complete! I'd like to think that it was all worth the effort! The official cover layout is next are up next, so STICK AROUND!!

Much love, Patrick XOXO

GHOSTBOY, PETER GOLDMAN, BYRON DURAND, SPACE CADET, FELIX HIMNER, NAKED JUSTICE 1, and DEIMOS are© Copyright and ™ 2023, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




Can’t say I blame the ghost hand things for wanting a go at Byron’s delicious bubble butt, especially when everyone who gets to fuck him is mesmerized by how tight he is. Also Felix keeps getting hunkier and hunkier by the day. I swear that that rocket of his has grown from 12 inches to at least 13, maybe even 14 inches by now.


Oh how I do love seeing those big dicks grabbed in perilous situations! Those must be some big hands to be able to grip those thick cocks!

Jocko Ak-shan

I couldn't figure out who the guy who wasn't facing front was but your tags told me. It's Peter. :)


I think you're right, dear LlamaLlama! Felix DOES seem to get bigger and bigger the more I draw him, and have you noticed that I am drawing him more and more, lately! I think it's fair to say the character and I have finally put our "differences" aside! LOL! As for Byron, no matter how often he gets fucked, he seems to remain virginally tight! That's an impressive talent to have! HA HA HA! Loved the comments! Thanks again so much!! XOXO 😍😘❤️


LOL! All very good points, my dear Jen! It's always so tricky balancing the size of things. Since I exaggerate the size of my boy's appendages, I had to try and make the hands a little larger than usual -- so they could easily grab the guys -- but still try to keep them believable! HA HA HA! Aaaah, the difficulties that come with being an artist of gay adult comics! HEE HEE! Thanks so much for the fabulous comment!! SMOOCHES! XOXOX 😆😊💖


Yup... it's Peter. I initially tried to show him from the front, but it was sort of "typical". I wanted this cover to be, well, maybe more artful in the way I displayed the guys. I wanted the emphasis to be on his back and butt... and that big, beautiful cut cock of his, too, of course. I think his hair and his dick are what gives his identity away in color... but yeah, some people might be like "Who's this"? LOL! I totally get it! XOXO 😅😆💖