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Isn't this always the way these stories begin?

A hunky, buff stud wakes up bound to all sorts of bizarre machines and equipment. As he spots the strange little invaders leering at him, he instantly knows what fate awaits him. The probing is about to start.

Poor FELIX! It looks like the little aliens from "MY BOYFRIEND IS A SUPERHERO" #3 came back for him after all! Heh! Heh! Heh!

You'll notice that FELIX is nice and hairy in this one, just like he is in the comic! But of course, I made you some shaved variants, too! 

So much more to come from me this month, so STAY TOONED! 

ILLUSTRATIONS: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

FELIX HIMNER, and all other characters are © Copyright & 2023 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



David U

Almost this exact scene happened in a comic book in the 90s - Gen13 I believe - it was hot then and hot now 🔥


HOLY COW! I CLEARLY wasn't buying the right comics back in the 1990s! HA HA HA!!! Thanks so much, dear David! XOXOX 😆❤️😘


Patrick 😍 I opened my Patreon on a whim And was instantly taken aback by the BEAUTIFUL piece of artwork My favorite part is that little sounding probe that you hid in there. If I know you it won’t stay retracted for long 🤩


My goodness! Poor Felix is helpless in the hands of the aliens! Is that the beginning of a sounding rod I see?

Andrew Brown

You have done an absolutely fantastic piece of artwork. I really like it a lot, the piece really does it for me. I wonder if the naughty aliens are going to push Felix over the edge before releasing him / or he gets rescued?


What stud, I feel like the aliens had to pull out the extra, extra large tube for Felix’s godly cock! Also the fur on those tits, no wonder Byron couldn’t keep his hands off them. They are begging to be fondled.


You know how most of us pour milk in our coffee? Well these aliens use a different creamer.....


On a serious note the art is amazing and colours are so vibrant!


Ugh so hot! This reminds me of your illustrations of Camilicat getting groped by tiny aliens 'inspecting' the perfect specimen. More of this content please & thank you!!

Jocko Ak-shan

Well if you zoom in, there's a wickedly curved piece like a little hinge, I'd be afraid that would cut Felix when it went in. 😢😢😢😢😢


Mon préféré !!! Love him so much


Awww -- thank you, thank you, dear Michael! I'm THRILLED you enjoyed this one so much!! Heh! Heh! Heh! And you spotted that little sound, didja? Hmmmm... there MAAAAAAAY be a variant coming down the line! Thanks again so much for the really wonderful comment and compliments. It's greatly appreciated! XOXOX 😊🤗😍❤️


Heh! Heh! It certainly is, my dear Jen. Yes -- poor Felix is helpless in the hands of these... curious aliens. 😈😈🤣🤣


Thank you so much, my dear Andrew -- I love how much you enjoyed this piece. It certainly was a great deal of fun working on it. And as for poor Felix, unless Byron gets to rescue him in the next few minutes, I think the aliens will end up extracting some of his "Earthman seed" at the very least! Heh! Heh! Heh! 😈😂👅❤️


LOL! Thanks so much, dear LlamaLlama! I'm so happy you loved this one so much! I have to say, I really enjoyed drawing the fur on Felix's tits. And yeah, I can't blame Byron either. Hell, I'd be all over them myself. Clearly, however, our little alien friends are more interested in some of his more..."GODLY" attributes! HA HA HA! I love that I can now hear them saying "Bring out the extra, extra large tube"! BAH HA HA HA!!! Much love to ya! XOXOX🤣🤣😍😍


Hee Hee! Funny you should ask, Aspyr... because "MILK" is actually the theme of a mini-comic I'm working on for you guys this month! I think you maaaaaay enjoy it!! 🥒💚🥒💚 As for Felix... I'm sure that extracting some of his milk is definitely part of the alien's dastardly plans! MWAH-HA-HA!! 😈🤣😈🤣 XOXO


Thank you so much, dear Mchlsctt709. I'm so happy you enjoyed this piece so much. And I think on that note, you'll enjoy this month's mini-comic. It's gonna be 4-pages of LOCUS inspection and milking. I can't wait to start sharing it with all of you. Won't be long now! 💕💞💕💞 XOXO


Don't worry, Jocko. I would NEVER do that kind of harm to Felix or any of my other boys! I love them too much for that! XOXO


Thanks again for all the kind words and compliments, Aspyr! I'm so pleased you like how this turned out! XOXO ❤️😘❤️😘