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What if the aliens from MY BOYFRIEND IS A SUPERHERO #3 decided to abduct, probe, and experiment on poor FELIX after all?

That's the theme of this illustration I'm currently working on. I'll tell you, those randy aliens aren't leaving any freckled inch of his masculine physique unexplored! Our sexy hero is finding it insanely hard to keep his composure as they test his sexual endurance and stamina! You'll notice that FELIX is nice and hairy in this one, just like he is in the comic!

I'm hoping to have this one done soon, but it has a lot of details, so it may take me a little longer still. Meanwhile, I hope you'll enjoy this little sneak peek!

PAGE 10 of GAY FOR SLAY #4 drops this week, so STAY TOONED!


FELIX HIMNER / NAKED JUSTICE is © Copyright & 2023 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




Poor Felix, that ginger stallion looks like he’s about to blow at any second. If only he had space themed superhero boyfriend with a fat ass who could save him.


YESSS so excited to see some abduction work in your style. Gonna be so HOT!


HOT DAMN!!!!! I can’t wait to see Felix get milked by these guys!!! It’s gonna be HAWT 😈🔥🥵🔥😈!!!!!!


Thanks so much!! I'm so happy you're looking forward to it. I'll be posting the finished version early May! Won't be too much longer, now!! XOXO 😅😅💖


Heh! Heh! Thanks so much, my dear JT! Good news is I'll be posting the finished version very soon. I'll do my best to make it as HAWT as possible! SMOOCHES! XOXOX 🤗😊😘


Eeek!!! You always do!!!!! 🥰😍😈😍🥰