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Good morning, my Beautiful Patrons!

I'm hard at work on a ton of goodies for you this April, and while you wait for me to start rolling out this month's new art and comics, here's another MYSTERY HOMOCLIX Teaser! As I mentioned in my "Welcome April" post, most of this month's HOMOCLIX DIGITAL FIGURES are POP CULTURE characters!

FIGURE #84 will be dropping very shortly, but it's possible this big boy won't be very easy to identify from his teaser! As always, though, I love and welcome your guesses, my friends! :D

Soooo much more from me shortly! It's gonna be a fabulous month!! Smooches all around! XOXO

ILLUSTRATIONS: Patrick Fillion

ARTWORK © Copyright & 2023 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Jocko Ak-shan

I was going to say Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy but the ears are wrong.


Sasquatch or Beast from Marvel maybe




The Big Gargoyle who was licking the head of Isaiah's dick?


Another GREAT guess -- you're thinking of Gargo... but, this is someone else entirely! 😄😍❤️


Beast Man from Masters Of The Universe? Haven`t seen such a buff character from you in a while, I`m really looking forward to this one! Even the silhouette is quite mesmerizing.


Even if it's not him, this is a GREAT guess and SUGGESTION! LOL! I have added BEASTMAN to my list of potential HOMOCLIX characters, dear Arkid43. But you're right, this particular character here is certainly buff and bigger than most of the guys I've drawn of late. I think (hope) you'll enjoy him when he drops. Won't be much longer now! SMOOCHES! XOXO 😆😍😘


Wow, I didn`t expect to inspire you that much right now, it`s really nice to hear that you put him on your list! Energetic muscle guys in shorts are always welcome XD I really thought I hit it with this one, now I am all fired up! Let me make another guess: An Ozaru from Dragonball!


Oh yes -- Beastman is a GREAT suggestion. I can never say for sure if and when I will get to drawing Patron suggestions, but you know how much I love Masters of the Universe, so there's a great chance I'll add him at some point. He's a fantastic cahracter!!!! XOXOX 😍😘