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And finally, here's "HOME ALONE" PAGE 04 starring WARREN, fully lettered for your reading pleasure! Thus ends our all-new mini-comic starring the luscious WARREN!

I do hope you've enjoyed it. This story will have some SERIOUS repurcussions in the MAKO FINN series, once it continues. But for now, I have to say it sure was nice getting to spend all this time with MR. WESSEL! Although, the fun's not quiiiiite over. Coming up before the end of the month, I'll be posting an all-new WARREN pinup that sorta serves as a "cover image" to this story. 

Anyhoo, that's coming up shortly. Meanwhile, lemme know your thoughts on this story. I love hearing from you in the comments section. 

Enjoy, my beautiful Patrons! More from me very soon, so STAY TOONED!


COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

WARREN WESSEL and all other characters are © Copyright & 2023 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.




Damn this one's really hitting close to home Patrick! I know what it's like to feel like you love two people at the same time and it kinda...sucks. I love how your comics are always super hot and so fantastically drawn(you're seriously the best out there, man) but they always touch on important themes and matters that we all struggle with. Your wonderful art ain't just for fappin, its also for thought provoking, which is what all good art should do. Lets just say there's more to your comics than buff studs, bulging packages and pretty faces.


Wowzers!!! What a perfect ending to the indescribable gift that is this comic!!!!!! I’ve love it so very Very VERY much!!! Merci beaucoup Patrick!!! That first panel… I can’t get over Warren Warren’s earth-shattered embarrassment, the cocky, self-loathing sneer on dream Warren’s face, Warren’s rocked, raw honesty, or the fact that dream Warren still kinda looks sharky… 😱🤯🙇‍♂️🤯😱 (I’m at a total loss as to how, like DAYUM Patrick!!! If you meant for him to look like that then you truly are next level!!!) Then that splash panel… (pun absolutely intended 😜) The way you’ve shamelessly displayed him in all his tight muscled glory, and just DRENCHED him in cum… I’m loving this cum addicted side of you!!! After all we just bore witness to, it’s interesting that this might the most intimate moment of the comic… the venerability in those tears, and also his wet dream…🥰🤯🥰 Sooooo… eight days without them… without him, and he’s like this?!?!? Our boy’s got it BADDD!!!!!! Anyone else feel like Gretchen knows, I mean let’s be real, a brilliant, power house of a woman like her isn’t not going to know exactly what’s going through her husband’s head. I mean we’ve even seen her make space for him to explore some of it with her (i.e. pegging) p.a. I’m curious, do y’all have any plans to pick up the title again any time soon? No pressure of course, but Mako was my first CC love (alongside Naked Justice; I would have been so happy to be between the two of them), and the title is also very first comic book I ever bought, so I’d definitely be down for it! 🦈🦈🦈 (Shark emojis cuz they are offly cute)


Yes, yes EXACTLY!!!!! PHENOMENALLY well said Phoenix!!! I really connected with this one too. The tears he’s finally shedding as he’s left with the realities of a truth he can’t hide from even in the presumed safety & freedom of an unconscious mind… WOW… I remember one of the very first times I was forced to confront my sexuality. It was after a dream not all that dissimilar from Warren’s, I mean it’s wasn’t nearly so erotic but it definitely rocked me just as hard. There’s something particularly gut-wrenching about a forbidden fantasy played out in a dream… the unconscious mind, a person’s last refuge… you can’t lie there, you can’t run… your heart concocts a ballad to your most intimate desires, and you experience what it’s like to revel in each and every moment… then you wake up, betrayed by your own mind… how can you deny who you are after that??? I’m just so stunned, but not really surprised, to see such an intimate experience play out here. Like Phoenix said, your comic’s are such a fascinating mix of realism and pandering to the horny (I say that last bit with the utmost love & reverence), but it’s rare when I feel so seen by another person, let alone erotic art. Thank you for always being such an honest & loving caretaker/storyteller of our moments like these!!!


Hello again, my dear JT! Oh my gosh, I loved reading ALL you wrote -- and I love how much you thoroughly LOVED and DEVOURED each panel in Warren's min-comic adventure. It truly means a lot to read all your beautiful compliments and brought a HUUUUUGE SMILE to my face -- from ear to ear -- so thank you so very kindly for that, too! I wanna touch on what you wrote about Gretchen, because I thought you posed a really good question. And I can answer it right now! LOL! Yeah, I've always felt she TOTALLY knows about her husband's let's call it "bi-sexuality" for now. (I say for now, because I almost feel like Warren is mainly gay for Mako and Sharkmen at this point. I dunno if he feels quite the same attraction to any other guys... for now!) Anyhoo, she knew before Warren did. I think that's why she's been "gently" trying to encourage him and coax him out of his shell. Where that's gonna lead remains to be seen. One thing's for sure, both Warren and Gretche are fiercely devoted and loyal to one another. Whether that will complicate things for Warren down the road or make them easier... well, I'm not telling! HA HA HA! But in answer to your other question, yes, I do plan to resume the MAKO FINN series with Alexander once we reach a certain number of issues of MY BOYFRIEND IS A SUPERHERO. So it will resume, and this dynamic between Warren, Gretchena nd Mako will ABSOLUYTELY be addressed. Anyuhow, THANK YOU again SO MUCH for allt he awesome comments and kind words. I lvoed it ALL!!!! SMOOCHES! XOXOX 😍😘❤️🤗😊

Thomas Polk

In a lighter vein, Patrick, I don't think Warren will be handling repercussions any too soon as it will take weeks just to get the twitch out of his butt!