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Hello again, my beautiful Patrons!

"HOME ALONE" PAGE 03 starring WARREN is here! This is that page in full, glorious color!

Warren's gonna be sore in the morning! XD

Stick around -- the lettered versions are next!


COLORS: Cabrera & Fillion

WARREN WESSEL and all other characters are © Copyright & 2023 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Jocko Ak-shan

Damn, Warren got his hole wrecked! 😛

Jocko Ak-shan

Oh, I don't know...sometimes you want a huge top like that to leave you wrecked. BTW, LOVE the internal cumshot art. 😈


HA HA HA! As long as you don't have to walk anywhere the next day, it's all in good fun!! 🤣🤣 And I'm so glad you enjoyed the internal cumshot. That was fun to draw! 😆😆😘😘


Can we please, please, please, pretty please get closeups/4K’s of each of these panels? I NEEEED them… EVERY part of him is PERFECT!!!! 🥺🙏🥺🙇‍♂️🥺🙏🥺


He’s going to be sore for a great many mornings, but I doubt that’ll stop him from hopping right back onto another cock 😈😈😈


You know what’s incredibly telling? You normal give your men a tear or two when they’re being fucked to is degree. Warren is DRIPPING with sweat, but I’m almost positive his eyes are dry… he’s not only REVELING in this, but apparently he hasn’t even hit his max pain-pleasure ratio…


You can count on those 4K close-ups in the high-res rewards, dear JT! Also, I'll put together some fun 4K wallpapers of these various Warren sequences for you guys, as well. It should be a very cool, and Warren-rich artpack, this month! 😍❤️😘😊🤗 Also, one benefit of the 4K stuff is that it will allow you to see the sweat -- and TEARS details a little more closely. HA HA HA! I feel "he’s not only REVELING in this, but apparently he hasn’t even hit his max pain-pleasure ratio…" describes his state almost PERFECTLY!!!! Anyhoo, all that to say that I'm really thrilled you've enjoyed this ocmic so much! The last page drops later this week! Great Big Hugz + Kisses to you, dear JT! XOXOXOX 😍😘😊🤗❤️😘😍