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Hello again, my beautiful Patrons!

Here is the finished art for the upcoming FAUX COVER featuring LOCUS and his mysterious INTRUDER! Creepy bastard, isn't he? Heh! Heh! Heh! LOCUS sure seems to think so! 

Later this month, I'll share the vest-less variants of this piece. 

Meanwhile, the FAUX COVER is up next, so STICK AROUND!

ILLUSTRATIONS: Patrick Fillion

COLORS: Cabrera, and Fillion

LOCUS is © Copyright & 2022 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Johnny Gayzmonic

Ooh...all those tentacles...wonder which orifice they'll start with.


Oh wow, I love EVERYTHING about this piece! It`s actually Locus posing, but it doesn`t feel that way, it`s not your typical pose, you don`t get to see that much of him, and It`s still amazing to look at, it brings some variety to his portfolio. The angle is a bit complicated, but you did him so superbly, that he looks like a 3D model that I could rotate a camera around. His physique is perfect, feet and hands, glutes, abs, chest, arms, facial expression, simply amazing work! I also love the focus of Locus, yes pun intended, and also his anxiety that you can easily read from his expression. And oh man, that silhouette of Horror Cosmic almost leaves me speechless! That size, physique, and most of all tentacles on his head make him one of the most interesting characters in your recent years! God, if you wanna make my christmas wish come true, don`t just draw Krampus in december, but also a Locus, bound and lifted by Cosmics hands and tentacles, and brutally tentacle raped by whatever abomination comes out between those six lights that seem to indicate Cosmics face! What is Horror Cosmic anyway? Looks like a Cyborg with genetic enhancements exactly at the right spots <3 But I guess you leave that to our imagination, for now at least, I hope XD Thanks for this piece! Btw, a mask variant of this piece would be amazing, since you hinted masked Locus in your november banner... Just saying


HA HA HA! I think that Andrew is on to something here, Johnny! LOL! Though you know they'll ALL eventually get stuffed! XD XD XOXOX :D :D <3 <3


HOLY COW -- you REALLY enjoyed this one, didn't you, Arkid43! LOL! I LOVE IT!!!! And I LOOOOOOVE all your comments and observations -- thank you so much for every single kind word! I deeply appreciate it! I really enjoyed drawing this one, and I absolutely wanted to draw him in a pose that was dynamic and that we had rarely seen before in my art. I wanted him "action-ready" and I think that it adds a sense of dread to the overall pinup... especially given that Horror Cosmic is in the backdrop looming so menacingly! You'll be happy to know there IS a masked variant of our green boy coming up before the end of November... so it won't be too long before that lands. And lastly, Horror Cosmic is really just another one of my love letters to the tropes of H.P. Lovecraft. I haven't drawn him out of silhouette yet, but I may eventually have to, because already, I love the design of this ominous character, and I haven't yet seen how he looks beyond his shadowy outline! LOL! The tentacles for a head would make a terrifically creepy regular villain... so who knows, maybe I'll work him into the comics at some point and you'll get your wish come true for seeing Locus bound in his tentacles. Anyhow, for now, I will say another great big THANK YOU for all the love and the super sweet and kind words... I'm sooooooooo THRILLED you enjoyed this piece so much. Lots of love to you, dear Arkid43!! XOXOX :D :D <3 <3


Oh wow, this sound super promising for the future! Imagine him being the product of some mad scientist like Pupae, who`s producing quite a few of those genetically enhanced specimen, who all - due to different genetics- have quite a different outcome in the way their monsterfication/tenta-head-ification (yeah, that`s definitely a word XD) which hunt down our heroes, or defend the lab from intruders. Soooo many possibilities! Maybe one of the already is the lap dog of the Sektan Admiral we saw in Love Lost 3 recently (?!) Can`t wait for future chapters and what your dirty mind brings to life again! Also thanks for replying to sooo many comments, you do it that regularly, that I feel it`s almost too time consuming for you, but be sure that they are deeply appreciated as well!