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Good morning, my beautiful Patrons! 

I hope you're all enjoying your weekend. I'm working away like a madman (but I PROMISE, I'm being very mindful of my back and taking lots of necessary breaks) and drawing many new things as part of this month's rewards. 

One of the pieces I'm FINALLY getting around to completing is called GHOSTBOY: GHOSTBUSTED! It's a fun "heroes in peril" piece featuring PETER and some of his most formidable foes. I cannot wait to share this one with you -- it's turning out really HAWT! LOL! 

And of course, there are LOADS MORE to come this month, so be sure and STAY TOONED! I'll start dropping the new pieces this week! 

Hugs all around!
Patrick XOXO 

ILLUSTRATIONS: Patrick Fillion

GHOSTBOY, PETER GOLDMAN, and all other characters are © Copyright & 2022 PATRICK FILLION / Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.



Johnny Gayzmonic

I'm sure the list of people -- both in the pages of Class Comics and without -- who would love to bust all over this ghost could fill up a phone book.


I’ve been meaning to say that I really love how you do these previews. I love the mystery and trying to figure out what is going on by the exposed bits of the panel. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s going on in this one (I recognize 3 villains so far and yessssss!) and it just makes it even more exciting!


Thank you so much for that, my dear Jen. I really love that you enjoy the sneak previews because I love making them and teasing you all with them. It's always a game of "how much do I reveal" in each one, and I love that you enjoy that aspect as well. I also REALLY LOVE that you have figured out three of the baddies in this piece, just from the SLIM details I've let show in the teaser! SO AWESOME! The piece will drop very shortly... thanks again for the wonderful comments. SMOOCHES! XOXOX 😆😍🤗😘